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Q: Advertising on Java/JSP Developer Web Sites ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   1 Comment )
Subject: Advertising on Java/JSP Developer Web Sites
Category: Business and Money > Advertising and Marketing
Asked by: jules_zapatec-ga
List Price: $100.00
Posted: 03 Oct 2002 14:24 PDT
Expires: 02 Nov 2002 13:24 PST
Question ID: 72181
Zapatec, offers tools and platform to build an
online database. While our tools are improving rapidly, you still need
some software devlopment skills to deploy a web application. 

Our mission is to atract JSP and Java Web developers to come to
Zapatec, sign up and build a web application.

Our Question:
Which JSP and Java developer Web sites would give us the the most
visibility (to get sign ups) and offer the best advertising rates?

Clarification of Question by jules_zapatec-ga on 04 Oct 2002 14:53 PDT
Our mission is to atract JSP and Java Web developers to come to 
Zapatec, sign up and build a web application. 
Our Question: 
Which JSP and Java developer Web sites would give us the the most 
visibility (to get sign ups) and offer the best advertising rates? 

About our company:
Zapatec, offers tools and platform to build an 
online database. While our tools are improving rapidly, you still need 
some software devlopment skills to deploy a web application.

Request for Question Clarification by hailstorm-ga on 08 Oct 2002 11:26 PDT

Could you tell me what sort of advertising you are interested in? For
example, ad banners, popups, popunders, or some other form?

Clarification of Question by jules_zapatec-ga on 08 Oct 2002 12:10 PDT

We are interested in banner ads and anitmated gifs but no pop-ups or
unders - basically, nothing that would irrate the developer (our
target customer). Is this enough detail for you? If you need more
specifics, let me know. To put it bluntly, we want to know where we
can get the best bang for the buck.

Subject: Re: Advertising on Java/JSP Developer Web Sites
Answered By: willie-ga on 16 Oct 2002 07:40 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars

I'm an IT contractor/programmer/tech author, so thanks for asking the
question - it's given me a chance to add to my own contact list :)

I’ll start with the JAVA side, go on to JSP, and give some
recommendations at the end.

JAVA Sites

P2P - The Programmers Resource guide
( ) , ran a survey of the top
10 JAVA sites. I cross referenced this with the Ask-Jeeves top ten for
JAVA sites, and checked which of them came out high on searches of all
the top search engines and found they were almost all the same, so
this gives us a good reference point to start.

I have investigated advertising opportunities for them. I’ll run them
down in reverse order - they don’t all give out their advertising
rates unless you are a genuine interested advertiser, but I’ll give
you contact emails where I can’t give you the figures.

10. JARS.COM: ( )
They say: "JARS review any and all Java applications and applets found
on the web. They rate them in terms of how functional and useful they
are, and give awards to the top 1% and 5% of the programs they look
at. If programmers are looking for a specific Java application or
component to use in their code, this is a good place to start.
Categories covered by the JARS review service include business,
multimedia, financial, scientific, utilities, games, programming and

They don't give out ad rates unless it's a genuine query, but you can
ask at the mail address below. I couldn't find daily hit rates for the
site, but it is used by a lot of developers looking for reviews of new
products, and has high visibility.

For advertising information and rates, e-mail

9. JavaWorld: ( )
They say: "The equivalent of ASPToday or ASPFree for the Java
programming community. News, articles and community discussions are
brought together on one site to provide a wide range of knowledge for
Java beginners and old hands alike."

As already given in the comments to this answer, Javaworld has
opportunities for advertising in several places on its site, from
banner ads, to "skyscraper" ads and ads in their various newsletters.
Prices are very reasonable, with  300000 banners costing less than $50
per month, and  access to 94000 JAVA developers in their newsletter
for only $60 per month

The contact points are

Todd Carville 
National Sales Director, JavaWorld

Christine Gee 
National Accounts Manager, JavaWorld

Michael Lamattina 
Eastern Advertising Director, JavaWorld

And there are full details at: /info/jw-advertise.shtml

8. Marcus Green’s Java Certification HQ: ( )
They say: "Those of you thinking of taking or preparing for the Java
Certification exams need to look at this site. It includes mock exams,
tutorials, FAQs, discussion forums and sample code. Marcus Green is a
Sun Certified Java Programmer who originally built the site and has
carried on developing it using feedback from his users. If you’re
looking to add to your CV with a Java certificate, this is one of the
places definitely worth visiting before you sit the exam."

The site averages over 1000 unique visitors a day. The owner ( ) does not state any advertising rates, but
from comments made on his site he would welcome any approaches.)

7.  The Java Ranch ( )
They say: "For some reason, the developers of this site appear to be
obsessed with cows. But don’t let that put you off; this is a great
resource for all Java programmers. The Java Ranch includes message
boards, job adverts, book reviews, information about the Java
certification exams, sample code, a Java style guide and much more."

They accept banner adverts - details here
( )

Banners at the top: 
ˇ $6 per thousand impressions 
ˇ 50,000 impressions minimum 
Banners at the bottom: 
ˇ $2 per thousand impressions 
ˇ 150,000 impressions minimum 

They say they are the largest Java site on the internet outside of
Sun. and  currently gets about 1.5 million page views per month and
250,000 unique users each month. (@ 8000 per day )

They also have a very active forums area answering all of the
questions posted by development staff. These are often the advanced
users - decision makers in a position for their company to buy your

For more information on running your banner on JavaRanch and
alternative promotions, send e-mail to

6. The Blackdown Project Java for Linux: ( )
They say: "Without the efforts of the Blackdown development team,
Linux wouldn’t be a viable development platform for Java programmers.
Using a source code license from Sun, they started porting the JDK to
Linux on their own - before pressure on Sun to release an official
Linux version became too great, at which point Sun brought in the
Blackdown team to help them out."

They do not seem to have any online advertising opportunities but it
may be worth your while contacting them.

5. JCreator ( )
They say: "If you’re getting sick of using Notepad with the command
line compiler tools and are looking for an integrated development
environment (IDE) for Java, look no further - and this one’s free,
unlike the commercial efforts available from Sun, IBM and Oracle. It
comes highly recommended by numerous subscribers on the beginning_java
list: "

They do not seem to have any online advertising opportunities but it
may be worth your while contacting them

4. P2P Java category ( )
They say: "Need help with Java programming problems? P2P is your
one-stop, free resource centre for all Java-related coding questions.
A selection of mailing lists covering different Java technologies
provides programmers with support from their peers. Numerous Wrox
authors also help out with answering questions from contributors."

They will discuss banner, button and newsletter advertising. (they
advertise 1 million banners, or 92000 buttons or 40000 newsletter ads
but don’t give out rates unless you are a serious enquirer. )

Contact point: 
Vera Grimm  (or )
Media Sales Coordinator
Wrox Press Ltd.
Tel: +44 (0)121 687 4100 ext. 178 
Fax: +44 (0)121 687 4101

3. Café au Lait ( )
They say: "Elliotte Rusty Harold still regularly updates one of the
first Java sites in existence, Café au Lait, with news about Java
technologies. The original Java Frequently Asked Questions document is
hosted here - not updated since 1997, but still a useful resource,
containing all those little things that one day you will need to know.
Plus, there’s sections containing book reviews, web-based Java
learning aids and hundreds of links to other Java resources."

They do not seem to have any online advertising opportunities but it
may be worth your while contacting them

2. The Jakarta Project ( )
They say: "The home of server-side programming in Java. The Jakarta
Project provides "commercial-quality server solutions based on the
Java Platform, developed in an open and cooperative fashion".

They do not seem to have any online advertising opportunities but it
may be worth your while contacting them

1. Sun Microsystems ( )
They say: "The ultimate Java resource site. Sun Microsystems invented
the Java language and run what is probably the largest and most
popular Java-related website in the world. Download the Java
Development Kits and all the related APIs from here, or read one of
their many excellent tutorials if you want to learn more about a
particular Java technology. Sun also host a vast selection of
web-based forums for asking questions on Java programming."

They do not run commercial advertising, but you should certainly sign
up to their forums, join in the community and get yourselves known.
This kind of networking is just as good, if not better, than
scatter-gun banner advertising.

JSP Sites

The biggest, and most widely used sites seem to be: 

JSP Resource Index, ( )
They say: "Your guide to JavaServer Pages™ technology. If you’re just
getting started with JSP, you can jump right into our JSP tutorials
section. If you’re a seasoned developer, try some of the ready-to-run
JSP scripts and beans or make your own and list them here."

They have very active forums, what looks like over 150 people online
at any particular moment , and a wide variety of advertising
opportunities, targeted directly at your audience. You can get an
overview here ( )

468x60 banners at the top of each page will cost $170 for 50,700
impressions per month, with discounts for longer running campaigns .
See details here ( )

125x125 banners on the side of each page  will cost $100 for 28,600
impressions per month with discounts for longer running campaigns .
See details here (

They will also run column ads 

The Column Ad spot is located at the very top of the right-hand column
and can be shown only in the directories that you choose. This way,
you can maximize your advertising campaign by targeting the site users
that are most likely to use your product or service. This is what
makes Column Ads so valuable. Column Ads are sold in 30 day

Column Ads are composed of part HTML text and part graphic. You have a
total of 130x240 pixels (except on the homepage where you get 130x170
pixels) to work with. The total size of all the graphics can not
exceed 10Kb. Graphics must also be transparent to the background color
so that they do not look like standard banners. In addition, you can
also specify your own 15 character title.

These vary in cost, and can be negotiated with the site 
For all advertising at the JSP resource contact: 

JSP Insider  (
Another large and well used JSP site . The site gets 250,000 hits a
month and shows over 1/2 million ads. See details here ( )

Advertising is sold in slots, with 45 slots being available. If they
served 200,000 page views in a given month, they would also serve
400,000 advertisement views. Then, if they only sold 10 slots for that
month, each slot would receive 40,000 advertisment views! If they sold
all 45 slots then each ad would receive a minimum of 8,800 ad views.
You can purchase as many slots as you wish.

They don't advertise their rates, prefering to negotiate with possible

Contact JSP Insider by email at Please include
your name, company name, email address, telephone number and
information on your request.


I would recommend using The Java Ranch: ( )
as it is the site with the highest number of users, and banners at $2
per 1000, so for a relatively small outlay you will reach a large
population of JAVA developers. I would try them out for a month or
two, and, if the money is available, also try out JavaWorld:
( ), possibly rotating ads between them over a
period of six months or so to see who gives the best hit rate.

For JSP, use The JSP Resource Index above. If you can afford it, I
would take out several different ad types, as they will directly reach
your target population. And not only can you run a variety of ad
types, you can get listed in their directories and take part in their
forums, and they provide real time hit stats of your advertising. As
with the JAVA sites, I'd rotate around, with ads at JSP Insider as
well, until I found what was giving me the best deal.

As well as all the focused advertising above, I’d also consider
running ads on your own site for other JAVA/JSP sites that are not in
direct competition with yourselves. ( One possibility would be in
checking out the International JSP sites at and asking if they’d like
reciprocal advertising)

Hope that this fits the bill


Google search terms used

"Top Ten JAVA" developer site
"Top JSP"
"JSP developer" site
jules_zapatec-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars

Your answer is FANTASTIC! Thank you for saving me hours and hours of
research. Very thorough, and complete and includes every detail of
what I asked for, including advertising rates and contact info. Thanks

Subject: Re: Advertising on Java/JSP Developer Web Sites
From: denco-ga on 15 Oct 2002 23:54 PDT

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