Thanks for acknowledging my work as your answer. I'll repost it
here for the sake of future readers.
Sign up for an eSnips account, with 1GB storage space for free.
Then create a folder and make it available to everyone or a select
few whom you invite. Just upload the file to that folder and let
people either download and view it, or view it within their browser,
if they have the plugin.
As for how they make income from the site, first off, it's still
in Beta, and they seem inclined to perfect it before they try
anything like adding advertising. Second of all, from what I
gather by reading their About Us page, the functionality of this
site is an offshoot of a very successful Net Snippets technology
which is already used by "tens of thousands" of professional
In short, they don't need the money, and they're really good
people with a philanthropic attitude toward improving the net.
Since you're so appreciative, let me point you to another such
site. This one, at no cost, and with no advertising, has been
around for years, and allows you to create an online system of
bookmarks (primary use for most people), notes, emails, phone
numbers, etc., all with a unique drag-n-drop javascript user
You can password certain folders so they're not viewable by
others. It's so secure that I used it for years, bookmarking
my bank accounts in a secure folder, and including the passwords
right in the bookmarks. Never had a problem!
Favormark for IE (the script is designed to work in IE):
Best regards...
sublime1-ga |