Hello jimbeam-ga,
I think you might find it useful to experiment with a new class of job
search tools called job search aggregators. These specialized job
search sites harvest job postings from all over the Web and provide
you with a means of searching in one place instead of having to go to
multiple job boards.
I?ve provided you with sample searches from some of the bigger ones,
including: SimplyHired, Indeed, Jobster, Oodle and PageBites. I think
it also might be worthwhile to review what Craigslist offers for your
types of jobs.
I experimented with searching for the following requirements you mentioned:
-- programmer
-- C OR dotnet OR .Net
-- telecommute
-- Los Angeles
You will have to experiment with the Advance Search options for each
of these search sites to see what combination of search terms gives
you the best results. The problem with these search tools is that some
of them cannot differentiate between the word ?telecommute? used alone
and the phrase ?telecommute: no? that appears in many of the results.
Also note that with some of them you have to enter in the variations
for your ?dotnet? search term if you want ?.NET? to be included. One
of them also included the stand-alone word ?net? so the results
included inappropriate results like ?Health Net.? Some of these search
engines automatically recognize the synonyms while others don?t.
The results are mixed. You will have to experiment with a variety of
searches with each search engine to determine what combination of
skills, job titles, geographic limits and other qualifiers bring you
the best results. I suggest that you start with broad searches and
then narrow them down. Browsing the results will give you keywords you
might not have considered, employment agencies that you might want to
register with and possible employers you might want to contact
directly even if they don?t have your targeted job posted.
Wishing you well for your job search.
~ czh ~
Search A: (C OR dotnet) title:programmer
Search B: (C OR dotnet OR .Net) title:programmer
Result A: jobs 1 - 50 of 2420 matches
Result B: jobs 1 - 50 of 5366 matches
Search: (C OR dotnet) title:programmer - Los Angeles, CA 90093 (within 50 miles)
Result: jobs 1 - 50 of 102 matches
Search: telecommute (C OR dotnet) title:programmer - Los Angeles, CA
90093 (within 50 miles)
Result: jobs 1 - 1 of 1 matches
Search: telecommute (C OR dotnet) title:programmer
Result: jobs 1 - 1 of 1 matches
Search: telecommute title:programmer
Result: jobs 1 - 32 of 32 matches
Search: (C or dotnet) title:programmer jobs
Results: Jobs 1 to 50 of 3,161
Search: (C or dotnet) title:programmer jobs in Los Angeles (within 100 miles)
Results: Jobs 1 to 50 of 243
Search: telecommute (C or dotnet) title:programmer jobs in Los Angeles
(within 100 miles)
Results: Jobs 1 to 43 of 45
Search: telecommute (C or dotnet) title:programmer jobs
Results: Jobs 1 to 50 of 594
Search: telecommute title:programmer jobs
Results: Jobs 1 to 50 of 4,397
Search: C OR dotnet OR programmer from job sites across the web.
Results: 193265 jobs found
Search: title:C OR dotnet OR programmer in Los Angeles, CA (within 50 miles)
Results: 1218 jobs found
Search: body:C OR dotnet OR programmer in Los Angeles, CA (within 50 miles)
Results: 7684 jobs found
Search: telecommute programmer in Los Angeles, CA (within 50 miles)
Results: 4 jobs found
Search: telecommute in Los Angeles, CA (within 50 miles)
Results: 61 jobs found
Search: telecommute
Results: 1661 jobs found
Search: programmer All Jobs
Results: 1 - 50 of 1471
Search: Telecommute All Jobs
Results: Results 1 - 50 of 7067
Search A: .Net All Jobs
Search B: dotnet All Jobs
Results A: 1 - 50 of 3649
Results B: 1 - 6 of 6
Search: dotnet OR .Net OR C programmer
Results: about 219802
Search: dotnet OR .Net OR C programmer within 50 miles of Los Angeles, CA, USA
Results: about 2965
Search: telecommute dotnet OR .net OR C programmer within 50 miles of
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Results: about 2963
Search: telecommute .net
Results: about 179
Search: telecommute programmer
Results: about 48
Search: telecommute All Jobs
Results: Found: 31 Displaying: 1 - 31
Search: telecommute All Gigs
Results: Found: 10 Displaying: 1 - 10 |