1) Last April was the 15th anniversary the nuclear accident in Chernobyl
(Ukraine). Assume that radiation is over and is safe to go back. How
would you plan an ordered return of people to the region if you want
to avoid any unbalance: too many people, too few jobs. Key Hint:
what determines demand and supply.
2) a. Provide an example of a real case (news, anecdote) where we can
apply any of our models on discrimination to explain the situation. Be
clear about which model you use, how do you relate the variables with
reality and what is the expected outcome.
b. Finally, assume you advice a lawyer who will defend the
?discriminator?. What advice would you give him in order to be
prepared for the trial (Any other model?).
3) Assume that there are two different governmental proposals to
improve the labor market outcomes in certain country (located in
Europe, say). The first one, presented by the conservative branch of
the government implies (i) the elimination of the minimum wage under
the argument of fighting unemployment, (ii) the reduction of the power
of unions (e.g., ?fractioning? unions into smaller entities with
reduced influence) in order to improve competitiveness of the markets,
(iii) and drastic reduction in working visas to virtually eliminate
inflows of people in order to maintain a somehow stable labor supply.
The second proposal presented by the liberals is formed by three axes:
(i) the creation of an unemployment insurance accompanied by a
training program to unemployed people in order to improve their skills
while unemployed and increase their chances to get a job, (ii)
strengthening the power of the Labor Commission, part of the Labor
Ministry, that regulates and solves labor conflicts: part of the new
responsibilities of the Labor Commission would be to create a ?match
maker? system where job openings are known and easily accessible to
match with workers? profiles, and (iii) open labor markets and free
access to migrants. HERE IS THE QUESTION: Explain what would the
predicted consequences in wages, employment and income distribution
for EACH policy when ALL measures are taking into account. Advice:
Structure and order in your arguments are highly appreciated.
4. You are working for the UN in a small town close to the
border of Turmekistan, say, implementing a labor plan for women. A
crowd comes outside to your office and start shouting: ?We don?t want
you here, you are breaking our rules, out, out!?. You have a chance to
talk to them for 5 minutes outside in the street. What would be your
argument in favor of women?s labor market participation. You HAVE to
be clear and concise and take into account the fact that they do not
know economics. Your life depend on it? |