You have a good memory! It was indeed Andy Grove.
The first mention that I recall having seen of the remark about
Columbus' ROI was in "The Economist." I've found it in the May 8, 1997
" Andy Grove, the boss of Intel, the world?s biggest chipmaker,
recently summed up the online pioneers? attitude when asked about the
return on investment from his firm?s Internet ventures: 'What?s my ROI
on e-commerce? Are you crazy? This is Columbus in the New World. What
was his ROI?' "
The Economist: In search of the perfect market
According to this 1998 article, the remark was made at an Intel
shareholders' meeting:
" The keynoter recalled that Intel chief Andy Grove was asked a
similar question at an Intel shareholders' meeting. Specifically, the
Intel shareholder inquired about the ROI (return on investment) from
the company's Web site.
'This is Columbus in the New World. What was his ROI?' Grove replied
to the abashed shareholder. " eCongress - Who's Making Money? The List Goes On
My search strategy was simplified by the fact that I remembered having
seen Grove's remark about Columbus in "The Economist." This was the
Google search string that led me to the 1997 article:
Google Web Search: intel "andy OR andrew grove" columbus roi
I hope this is precisely what you're looking for. If not, please
request clarification; I'll be glad to offer further assistance before
you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |