Hello again Yoda451,
Thank you for accepting my findings as the answer to your question. I
am reposting the information below to make it official.
Insulin pumps were being developed in the early 1960s. In 1983 MiniMed
brought the first pump to market.
Best regards,
?Dr. Arnold Kadish of Los Angeles, California, devised the first
insulin pump in the early 1960s. It was worn on the back and was
roughly the size of a Marine backpack (Figure 1). Rigorous clinical
testing for CSII began in the late 1970s,[3-5] and by the early 1980s,
CSII was being considered as a possible alternative form of insulin
delivery for patients with type 1 diabetes.[6]
"The AutoSyringe model, also known as the "Big Blue Brick," was the
first commercial pump.[7] Upon its 1978 introduction, excitement
spread throughout the medical community, and several companies began
to promote the development of insulin pumps. However, many of these
pumps lacked the controls necessary to ensure safe insulin delivery.
They were not very user-friendly, and some models even required the
use of a screwdriver for dosage adjustment.[8] In addition, the idea
of wearing a large, heavy pump and being hooked to a machine
understandably met with resistance among patients.[7] In the early
1980s, pump therapy was reserved only for the most difficult-to-manage
cases, and the results were often unsatisfactory.[8] By the late
1980s, insulin pump therapy was still used in only a minority of
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion: an approach to achieving
normoglycaemia. Br Med J. 1978
Reduction to normal of plasma glucose in juvenile diabetes by
subcutaneous administration of insulin with a portable infusion pump.
N Engl J Med. 1979
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion in the treatment of diabetes
mellitus. Diabetes Care. 1980
Clinical use of the insulin infusion pump in 100 patients with type I
diabetes. N Engl J Med. 1982
1983 - First Pump To Market
MiniMed 502.
MiniMed 502A insulin pump
http://www.minimed.com/about/history.html |