A complete answer to any two of the following question will be
considered complete answer.
1. How is volume of book sales related to price of the same book
used about five years later? Bestsellers are horrible to sell later
because there is such a flood of copies available.
2. How old must a used book be before it starts to gain value
simply from being old?
3. What is the best way to sell books online?
4. Is there an online business game/simulation that is easy to play?
5. Where can I find very very cheap dry storage for boxes of books?
6. Is there an online site that allows a dutch style auction?
also called "Mineing" ?
7. What other sites swap books or music? I know of titletrader.com,
paperbackswap.com, frugalreader.com.
8. Does anyone sell used envelops suitable for shipping books?
Clasp, padded, small boxes for paperbcks and hardbacks.
9. What type of browser or software would allow the automation of ?:
A: Searching for used book titles worth a minimum of 6 dollars on
Half.com, or Amazon.com or bookfinder.com or isbn.nu
B: Listing used book titles on Half.com, or Amazon.com.
Ideally from a list of ISBN numbers.
10. Is there a way to check that a book on tape or cd is complete and
in good condition without actually listening to the entire tape or cd?
Prefer a method that does not require a master recording. |