I need a program that will enc/dec a an input file given a huffmann
coding. The program can be in c/c++ and will be required to have its
data from stdin.
Assume that I have an input file called "In" and a generated coding
scheme called "Code"
I should be able to do the follwing with these two SEPERATE modules:
cat In | ./encode Code > Out1
cat Out1 | ./decode Code > Out2
diff In Out2 //should be no different, should be the original file.
Sample Run:
//file that has some words that need to be encoded/decoded
i like computers
//applying a freq. progarm to count chars/freq it will generate
10 1
32 2
99 1
101 2
105 2
107 1
108 1
109 1
111 1
112 1
114 1
115 1
116 1
117 1
//applying the freq file to huffman program you will get the following
101 000
105 001
10 0100
99 0101
107 0110
108 0111
109 1000
111 1001
112 1010
114 1011
115 1100
116 1101
117 1110
32 1111
//so from the code and input, we can encode/decode the files. These
are the TWO MODULES that need to be written
//encode program, if we apply "cat input | ./encode code > Out1"
//get a packed binary
//then I will call decode with "cat Out1 | ./decode.pl code >
original" and I should get the orignal input file which is
i like computers
//by calling "diff original Out1 , it should return no differences
Both enc/dec must work in the follwing manner allowing redirecting/piping.
If you have any questions or would like something clarified, please
email me about it, because it needs to be in this specific format |