According to Dun and Bradstreet's Million Dollar Database of US
companies, there are 364,900 companies in the US with annual revenues
between $5 million and $250 million.
These are broken out as follows:
162,902 -- $5 - 10 million
123,203 -- >10 - 25 million
43,720 -- >25-50 million
21,887 -- >50-100 million
7,174 -- >100-150 million
3,692 -- >150-200 million
1,298 -- >200-225 million
1,033 -- >225-250 million
These figures include corporations, partnerships, proprietorships and
numerous other forms of businesses, and represent the most recent year
available in D&B (which is generally pretty current).
By the way, statistics on business income are also available from the
IRS, but unfortunately (and rather foolishly!), they only provide
breakouts at the less-than-a-million range, and after than, lump
everything together. Your government at work!
I trust this information fully answers your question.
However, please don't rate this answer until you have everything you
need. If there's anything more I can do for you, just post a Request
for Clarification, and I'm happy to assist you further.
search strategy -- Used access to the Million Dollar Database to
retrieve relevant statistics based on revenue. |