We need company contact information, telephone , email , name for
large companies over 500 employees in the New England, New York and
New Hamsphire region. |
Request for Question Clarification by
04 May 2006 14:17 PDT
Hello sung-ga,
New England is usually defined as the following states: Maine, New
Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
Please define what territory you're asking about. Also, when you ask
for New York, do you mean the city or the state?
~ czh ~
Clarification of Question by
09 May 2006 06:46 PDT
Yes the New England Area and New York state including the city
Clarification of Question by
10 May 2006 08:31 PDT
In the meantime we need companies that are in Massachussets.
Boston, cambridge area.
Clarification of Question by
11 May 2006 13:43 PDT
Is there a reason it takes so long?
Clarification of Question by
22 May 2006 07:17 PDT
The comapny would like a refund. How do we proceed. this service is taking too long
and we have not heard any feedback or status.
Request for Question Clarification by
22 May 2006 08:57 PDT
Hello sung-ga,
So far you have only paid the 50 cent posting fee for your question
and that is not refundable. No one has answered your question, so you
will not be charged.
I believe no one has attempted to answer your question because it is
too broad and yet rather vague. I think you would have much better
luck if you closed this question and posted a new one (appropriately
priced) for each of the geographic areas you're interested in. That
way, researchers could give you a partial answer if they can find
companies for some locations but not others.
As this is only the second question you've posted, you might find it
helpful to review the following sites.
All the best.
~ czh ~