Howdy, Carolyn!
I hope I have found exactly what you're looking for.
The whole thing:
Legal Services Corporation, Office of Inspector General
Summaries on the Thomas Library of Congress site:
Thomas (Library of Congress)
If the Thomas link is truncated because of the punctuation therein,
please try this link instead:
TinyURL link referral to Thomas (Library of Congress)
Now for a summary of how I found the info. I started with this Google
search string:
Google Web Search:
That led me to the "Legal Services Corporation Office of Inspector
General" page which contained the full text. I used a randomly-chosen
snippet of this text in my next Google search, which was restricted to
the Thomas site:
Google Web Search: "PART B -- OTHER CHANGES IN THE
I hope this helps. If this isn't precisely what you need, just send a
clarification request, and I'll be glad to try again!
Best always,
Pink |
Request for Answer Clarification by
06 May 2006 20:11 PDT
"Now for a summary of how I found the info. I started with this Google
search string:
Google Web Search:
Hiya Pink . . . hoping you're . . . in the Pink! Florida isa warmin
up! Most beautiful time of the year . . for another two weeks.
OK - now I get the :// . . . but after that,
how did you collect the rest of that, starting with "search?hl= . . .
." ?
Of course - as always, you got me exactly what I asked for and I am
ready to rate.
BTW, the Google notification to my email for answers or requests for
clarification - no longer go to my email, the one I registered this
answers account with. Must be going to a GMail account I opened but
rarely use.
Clarification of Answer by
07 May 2006 10:40 PDT
Having lived in Florida in the past, I know what you mean about the
weather. I always found the "warmin up" part to be quite pleasant.
Once it was fully warmed, however, I felt as if I were roasting in an
oven and wished for a cooling breeze. Then -- oops -- the wish was
granted, and along came a tropical storm or a hurricane. Now I'm back
in Oklahoma, where I was born. No hurricanes here, just tornadoes.
Yikes. Never a dull moment. ;-)
Regarding the construction of my initial Google search string, it may
look more complicated than it actually was. All I did was type this
(complete with quotation marks) into the Google search window. Google
itself constucted the rest of the stuff in the link:
"Immigration Reform and Control Act" 1986
Clarification of Answer by
07 May 2006 10:47 PDT
Ouch, I see a typo in my remark above.
For "constucted," please read "constructed." I can actually spell
rather well, but my typing leaves much to be desired. Fingers go
faster than brain. ;-)