Each state, or in some cases each city, county or township, by virtue
of statute of other local ordinance governs the minimum requirements
of handicap parking. The cost will depend on your regional
requirements and how you choose to conform to them. For example, if
your state requires you to have a minimum 39" sign, where you buy the
sign can determine the cost (as opposed to making the sign yourself).
How you mount the sign (on a pole, building, tree, etc) will affect
the cost. Whether you do this yourself or hire it done will affect the
cost, and so on. The same applies ot the type of paint used, the image
you choose to be painted on the pavement (if one is required), the
colors you choose, the number and size of lines you choose, etc.
I recommend you contact your local city or county enginerring
department for the most accurate estimates and cost expectation on
such a project. Please let me know if this answers your question as
well as possible under the circumstances.
tutuzdad-ga |