I need to create a snapshot of the headhunting/recruiting/executive
search industry (defined as jobs with over 150,000 in annual
compensation, especially c-level jobs like CEO and CMO.) I have a
ranking of the top ten major players from
vault.com, but want to know:
a) the names of the ten "rock star" recruiters in the US - the
specific person someone would think of when Disney decides to hire a
new CEO (also, who did Disney use?)
b) link to charts/data that's more current than 2004 statistics for a
powerpoint presentation - ex. market share of different companies,
percentage of the industry that is devoted to consumer products versus
IT, etc (this is available in the annual reports of specific
companies, but need overall data across the industry)
-- as many graphs/charts as possible, info on revenue, profitablity,
fees, compensation, key benchmarks, etc... whatever you can find.
c) specific info on how the top ten firms are differentiated
c) to know which firms are the top in hiring senior engineers/techies
(bill gates, google levels), consumer products/marketing (CMO level)
and entertainment industry (studio exec level)
d) summary of fee basis and structure - which firms are contingency vs. retainer
based, and what is a typical retainer/% amount used (ex. for Korn
Ferry, 50,000 retainer +30% of candidate's first-year salary.)
e) general industry overview and market trends
a good resource if you can find access (I couldn't) would be Kennedy
Info's "Executive Recruiting: Fees, Compensation and Key Operating
Benchmarks, would love to see their figures on revenue distribution,
profit margins, distribution of placements by target compensation,
need this information by 8pm pst on 5/7/06 |