Dear bashar007,
Among the many people and companies on the web that offer custom
songwriting, it is difficult to find any that are mentioned outside
their own website. One exception is Kelli Fusaro, who appears in a Knight
Ridder/Tribune Business News article. The news venue is highly reputable,
and although the article is not a review of Ms. Fusaro's songwriting
abilities, it does demonstrate that she is known for her work.
HighBeam Research: Greenfields, Pa., Musician Tunes with Shopping Channel
QVC to Sell CD Cards.
Kelli Fusaro offers custom songwriting, starting at $950, through her
company, Sound Expressions. You can receive a song preview by email, and
a full-quality recording on CD by regular mail. You can easily extract
the digital file from the CD using software such as Blaze Media Pro,
and convert it into the format of your choice for emailing.
Sound Expressions Greetings: Custom Music for Special Occasions by Kelli Fusaro
Blaze Media Pro: CD Ripper
For a much less expensive solution, consider Paul Gilvary's custom
songwriting service, called Song Bokays. The standard price of $99
includes song delivery on CD. Paul Gilvary is active in the Chicago
theater scene and is praised for his work by a performing group called
Sweat Girls.
You supply the words ? or just some ideas for words ? and we
do the rest. Maybe you're itching to try your hand at writing
lyrics, and hear what they sound like when set to music by a
professional songwriter. Or maybe you'd like to send someone a
song as a gift for a special occasion.
A Song Bokay is an original song that you help create. You can
either write your own lyrics, or just give us a few ideas ?
subject matter and information you'd like to be included in
the lyrics.
Song Bokays: Home
Check out Paul Gilvary, songwriter extraordinaire
for Lifeline Theater (and Dorothy M's spouse), writes custom
personalized songs for any occasion. Great for birthdays,
weddings, new babies, you name it. What could be more fun than
sending someone a CD with a song composed in their honor?
The Sweat Girls: Contact & Links
I was unable to find reviews of Private Song, but you can download samples
from their website to assess the quality of their songcraft. This firm
charges $150 plus shipping for a custom song delivered on CD.
Private Song: Custom
The least expensive option, at $50 plus shipping for CD delivery, would
be to order a fill-in-the-blanks song from Gift Songs. On the following
page, the words in red are substituted on the recording with words of
the customer's choosing.
Have you gotten yourself into trouble and an apology isn't
enough? A personalized song from GiftSongs.comĀ® may be just
what you need.
These are sample lyrics; Words in red will be replaced by the
information you provide.
Gift Songs: "I'm Sorry" song
It has been an interesting challenge to answer your question. If you have
any concerns about the accuracy or completeness of my research, please
advise me through a Clarification Request and allow me the opportunity
to fully meet your needs before you rate this answer.
Search strategy:
custom song
"kelli fusaro" songwriter
personalized song
:// |