hello boombot-ga,
MySQl has great documentation. The docs specifically address your
question and is a common error. Without knowing your version of
If you try to connect as root and get the following error, it means
that you do not have an row in the user table with a User column value
of 'root' and that mysqld cannot resolve the hostname for your client:
Access denied for user ''@'unknown' to database mysql
In this case, you must restart the server with the --skip-grant-tables
option and edit your /etc/hosts file or \windows\hosts file to add an
entry for your host."
so..you can get to your terminal and issue
cat /etc/hosts
and make sure " localhost $the hostname" is in there,
(where $the hostname is the name of your machine, ie..xyz.foo.com, or
xyz) if not
as root issue
shell> echo " localhost localhost.localdomain $hostname" >>/etc/hosts
to start mysql with the --skip-grant-tables option **i think, not too
familar with macs**
shell> /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld --skip-grant-tables
then you can try to get into mysql with
shell> mysql -u root mysql or shell> mysql -u root test
The document listed above should be able to answer the rest of your questions
good day |