Hello bojo1234-ga!
After a bit of searching, I was able to find one excellent city
comparison site that will allow you to make ?across the border?
comparisons. As you?ve noticed, most of the online tools available
only allow you to make comparisons between U.S. cities, and a few will
let you compare two Canadian cities.
Homefair.com has a nice comparison tool that allows you to directly
compare Detroit, MI and Windsor, Ontario. In addition to cost of
living information, their reports include crime data, population,
precipitation information, and more. According to their data sheet I
found the following:
Cost of living index (U.S. Average = 100)
* Windsor: 92.35
* Detroit: 111.0
3-bedroom house (price in U.S. Dollars)
* Windsor: $95,333
* Detroit: $214,000
2-bedroom apartment, monthly rent (price in U.S. Dollars)
*Windsor: $555
* Detroit: $1,025
Median Household Income
*Windsor: $38,047
*Detroit: $29,526
Here is a site where you can get a rough idea of what the annual
expenditures are for each household, organized by category. It
includes items such as health care, food, transportation, shelter, and
The Economic Research Institute has an outstanding program that will
do international comparisons, but it costs nearly $900! They do have
the option to download a demo, but the demo version only makes
available information about a few cities, not including Detroit and
For current exchange rate information you can use The Universal
Currency Calculator at:
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If you have any need of further clarification, please let me know how I can help.
Search terms:
Canada ?united states? city comparison
Canada "city comparison"
Canada ?united states? cost of living comparison
Canada ?united states? cost of living calculator
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