I'm afraid that there do not appear to be any software, project
management, web design, or customer service conferences in Amsterdam
the days of October 9th - October 13th 2002.
An organization called INFORM, funded by the European Commission,
maintains a web site listing most European web & electronic publishing
conferences scheduled through 2003.
El.Pub European conferences
Using this resource, I was able to determine the following 2
conferences are scheduled in Amsterdam NEAR the dates you specified,
but not on them:
Managing photographic collections workshop
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
October 17-23, 2002
URL: http://www.knaw.nl/ecpa/form.html
Enterprise Application Strategy - "Integrating Webservices with
the Architecture of the Future"
Amsterdam, Netherlands
October 22-23, 2002
URL: http://www.marcusevans.com/events/CFEventinfo.asp?EventID=6879
Also near your dates but not on them, I located an XML conference "Web
Strategies for the Next Generation Internet Applications" on October
3rd at the Radisson SAS Hotel Amsterdam Airport.
AllConferences.net is a very valuable resource for your purposes.
However, an exhaustive search of their database, paying particular
attention to their top-level "computers" category as well as the
relevant sub-categories, revealed no listed conferences on the dates
you required.
Computer Conferences listed by AllConferences.net
ACM, a well-known and respected professional association for computer
people of all types, maintains a list of upcoming conferences and
events, but they show nothing in Amsterdam on the required dates.
ACM Calendar
Also, HelpDesk.com maintains a broad list of customer service and help
desk conferences, but, alas, none of them meet your requirements:
HelpDesk.com Calendar of Conferences & Trade Shows
So, again, the answer to your question about your specific topical
conferences on the dates of October 9 through 13, 2002, appears to be
"no." The main conference in Amsterdam at that time seems to be the
"International Aerospace Corrosion Symposium" which is being held on
October 9th, 10th, and 11th at the Radisson SAS Hotel Amsterdam.
IAC Amsterdam Conference Page
There are a few other conference near Amsterdam during these dates,
but none are covering the topics you specified. Here is a sampling:
Show Type: Tradeshow
Ahoy Rotterdam NV, Rotterdam
Oct 04, 2002 - Oct 13, 2002
Show Type: Tradeshow
Ahoy Rotterdam NV, Rotterdam
Oct 05, 2002 - Oct 14, 2002
European Fine Food Trade Fair
Show Type: Tradeshow
Maastrichts Expositie Centrum - MECC, Maastricht
Oct 07, 2002 - Oct 09, 2002
International Biometrics 2002
Show Type: Conference
Sheraton Amsterdam Airport Hotel & Conference Center, Amsterdam
Oct 08, 2002 - Oct 18, 2002
The MIS and ECIIA European Conference and Expo
Show Type: Tradeshow with conf.
Location To Be Determined - Amsterdam, Amsterdam
Oct 09, 2002 - Oct 10, 2002
Infosecurity 2002
Show Type: Tradeshow
Royal Dutch Jaarbeurs, Utrecht
Oct 10, 2002 - Oct 11, 2002
You can keep tabs on similar events using the TechWeb TechCalendar,
located here:
Another good resource for locating conferences anywhere in the world
is CyberExpo:
And in case you ever need to contact human beings who specialize in
conferences in Amsterdam, this link may prove useful:
Conference Amsterdam
Thanks again for the question!
Additional search strategies included:
://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=listing+of+conferences+in+amsterdam |