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Q: Beverage Powder Suppliers ( No Answer,   2 Comments )
Subject: Beverage Powder Suppliers
Category: Business and Money
Asked by: thebillionaredropout-ga
List Price: $50.00
Posted: 09 May 2006 10:34 PDT
Expires: 12 May 2006 01:12 PDT
Question ID: 726983
I need several supplier companies of a powder to mix with water to
create a beverage like Pepsi or Coca Cola by taste and similar in the
ingredients. May be called by other names, but the result must be
identical to Pepsi or Coca Cola. Must be currently operating and
selling this product. I DO NOT want any expired links or companies
that once sold this powder and have discontinued or anything like
that, just companies that CURRENTLY distribute this product so it
would be available in the United States.

Request for Question Clarification by pafalafa-ga on 09 May 2006 11:49 PDT

Cola drink concentrates generally come in syrup form, rather than
powder, and are mixed with club soda, rather than water.

Just to check:

1.  Do you definitely want a powder rather than a syrup?, and

2.  Do you expect the result to make its own bubbles in water, or can
you mix it with club soda instead?

Let us know a bit more, please.


Clarification of Question by thebillionaredropout-ga on 12 May 2006 00:42 PDT
I specifically need powder. Mixing with club soda would be fine. I
looked everywhere, if this does not exist then just please refund my
money, I was hoping you would have more success.

The fizzie stuff is indeed terrible and is not what I'm looking for,
but thanks for commenting.
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Beverage Powder Suppliers
From: myoarin-ga on 10 May 2006 07:07 PDT
"May be called by other names, but the result must be
identical to Pepsi or Coca Cola."

It sure seems that there have been lots of people who have tried to
copy the taste of Coca Cola  - Pepsi, for one.  If they could, I
rather think that they would sell a bottled drink than sell a powder 
- if the taste could be dry concentrated.

And we would have heard of it.
Subject: Re: Beverage Powder Suppliers
From: pinkfreud-ga on 10 May 2006 10:23 PDT
In the 1960s there was a drink-flavoring product called Fizzies, which
came in tablet form. You dropped the large tablet into a glass of
water, and it fizzed like an Alka-Seltzer while dispersing flavoring
agents and artificial sweetener. Fizzies came in many flavors, one of
which was cola. Although I liked some of the fruit-flavoried Fizzies,
the cola flavor tasted terrible. I suspect that it is difficult (if
not impossible) to duplicate the taste of Pepsi or Coke.

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