Request for Question Clarification by
11 May 2006 05:41 PDT
Although the phrase "sleeping Hepatitis" is not commonly used here in
the US, it is not unusual to have a hepatitis-b infection and yet not
show any symptoms.
Take a look at this page for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Hepatitis B Frequently Asked Questions
and note, particularly, the language regarding pregnancy and neonates:
"...If your blood test is positive, your baby should receive the first
dose of hepatitis B vaccine, along with another shot, hepatitis B
immune globulin (called HBIG), at birth. The second dose of vaccine
should be given at aged 1-2 months and the third dose at aged 6 months
(but not before aged 24 weeks)..."
The CDC informatino page also notes that Vietnam is considered to have
a high incidence of the disease.
This site contains additional details (some of it beyond my ken,
unfortunately), but it does note this about breastfeeding which may be
of interest:
"...With appropriate hepatitis B immunoprophylaxis, breast-feeding
poses no additional risk for transmission from infected hepatitis B
virus carriers..."
Both sites are unambiguously recommending a course of vaccinations for
the newborn where the mother is diagnosed with hepatitis-b. In fact,
hepatitis-b vaccine is recommended for all infants in the US, even
when the mother is not a known carrier.
After you look these over, I imagine you might have need of additional
details or related information. Let me know what more I can do for
you on this, and I'm more than happy to look into it for you.