Hello TAilwag,
Total Number of All U.S. Registered Hospitals 5,759
Total Staffed Beds in All U.S. Registered Hospitals 955,768
American Hospital Association: Fast Facts on U.S. Hospitals from AHA
Hospital Statistics
Journal of the Medical Library Association
2006 April; 94(2): 118?129.
According to AHA's Hospital Statistics 2002 there are 5,810 hospitals
in the United States.
?Again using the data from the Benchmarking Network 2002 survey and
AHA's Hospital Statistics 2002, the percentage of participants in the
survey and the percentage of beds in each AHA bed-size category can be
compared, as shown in Figure 5. Using the 8-bed size categories for
AHA's 5,810 hospitals, the percentage of hospitals and survey
participants in each category was determined. The bed-size category of
100?199 has the strongest match, containing 24.8% of hospitals and 20%
of library participants. No libraries reported in the
under-50-bed-size hospitals, which made up 23.5% of all hospitals.
Hospitals over 300 beds made up 15.8% of all hospitals, whereas in the
Benchmarking Network 2002 survey, 53% of participants were in this
Source:PubMed Central
From figure 5
Bed Size % of Hospitals Number of Hospitals
Less than 50 23.5% 1,365 hospitals
50-99 23.7% 1,377
100-199 24.8% 1,441
200-299 12.2% 709
Over 300 15.8% 918
Total 100% 5,810
Source: PubMed Central
Bed Size Distribution
Less than100 Beds 2,253
100-299 Beds 1,892
300-499 Beds 523
500 Beds and More 247
AHA Annual Survey 2000
USA hospitals with 500 beds or more = 247 (from 4915 hospitals surveyed)
Page 26
Hospital Connect
United States of America
6731 Hospitals
1129 Over 250 Beds
Extract of the IHF Database of Hospitals.
Search terms used:
Hospitals in the United States
Bed capacity
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |