How can I find the amount of the U.S. trade deficit (and/or surplus)
in each year of its history or as far back as records go?
How can I find the amount of the U.S. capital surplus (and/or deficit)
in each year of its history or as far back as records go? |
Request for Question Clarification by
14 May 2006 07:52 PDT
While these questions seem like they may be answerable, I suspect it
will take more than $15 in time and effort to track down both sets of
records (if, indeed, both exist).
You might want to reconsider the price you've set, or else, perhaps
scale back the question to just a single set of stats.
Just my two cents...
Clarification of Question by
14 May 2006 11:54 PDT
I thought the answer might be on a single reference document (I don't
know which one or how to find it). I may be wrong.
What price do I need to set?
Thank you.
Request for Question Clarification by
14 May 2006 12:04 PDT
Depends on what you think the research is worth, and how extensive a
record you need.
For instance, here is the federal deficit/surplus going back to 1940:
TABLE B?78.?Federal receipts, outlays, surplus or deficit, and debt,
fiscal years, 1940?2007
showing the golden years of federal surplus in late 1990's/early
2000's, quickly disappearing into record deficit in 2006.
But is 1940 as far back as the record goes?
Who knows? It probably isn't, but for a researcher to dig around and
try and find out how far back the records DO go would likely mean a
lot of work...say, at least $50 worth.
Ditto for the trade deficit.
Let us know how the above table looks to you, and how you think we should proceed.
Clarification of Question by
19 May 2006 18:57 PDT
Let's not proceed.