Hi, I'm looking for an index of cell phone reception for some area
within the US (preferably at least a state, and any state will do, but
in the least some reasonable area within a given state would suffice).
By index I mean to say that I'd like to be able to map locations
(whether by zip code, or longitude/latitude coordinates) to the
corresponding quality of cell phone reception.
The quality index could be some aggregate measure of reception across
carriers, or reception for one a particular carrier (assuming its a
I'm not looking for the location of cell phone towers-- longitude/
latitude coordinates for towers are provided in a publically
available FCC database (wireless.fcc.gov/geographic/fcc_db.html)
and by various third parties as well (eg www.cellreception.com)
Data based on customer reports are okay, as long as they are
standardized and searchable.
Finally, as a rough example of what I'm looking for is this:
though this isn't too useful since I need the underlying data used
to produce the map (of course, I can try to get this from the NY DOITT).
Hope this wasnt too confusing,
Thank you! |
Clarification of Question by
15 May 2006 17:57 PDT
Hi Sublime1, thanks for your response. Unfortunately, my subject
heading may have been a bit misleading. Im aware of the deadcellzones
site (as well as cellreception.com), but neither provides an
systematic index of reception quality by location.
Rather than a map, I'm actually looking for the underlying data through which
the maps might be produced. Something that would allow me to link either
a zip code or long/lat coordinates with some measure of cell quality (either
an index or # of dead zones etc.)
The closest example of what I need is:
But this is just a list of deadzones by city-- I was hoping for something a bit
more systematic & thorough.
I know JD Power has this data, but its not publically available. I dont know
if this data exists, but Im guessing it does in some form or another, and I
just havent been able to find it.