Dear Jfish,
The quote "The Journey is the Thing" is attributed to Homer (not
Simpson...). This quote is sometimes also paraphrased as "The journey
is it's own reward".
Examples from the Net:
"Homer quite rightly said that the journey is the thing, the
consequence of each interaction with each person on each day being
indelibly painted on the tapestry of your soul." (Source: Trinity
Counseling Service, "Lessons Learned: Being Reborn While Dying"
""The journey is the thing." (Homer) What's our journey? How is this
the true for the journey of faith?" (Coalition for Christian OUtreach,
"White Squall: Leadership & Community translating a film into a
ministry experience"
This relates to Homer's Odyssey, in which the experiences in the
journey, from which we learn, are the most important thing.
Curiously, I found several online sources that the sentence "The
journey is the reward." is a Taoist Saying (See: "Quotes to live by"
And may I just finish with another quote I found throughtout the
search for an answer: "Sometimes the journey *is* its own reward--but
not when you're trying to get to the bathroom in time". -John Kensmark
(Source: "Quotes by Author - K",
Further Sources:
Odyssey: Study Guides and Background Information
Search terms:
"The journey is" homer
"The journey is" homer quotes
"The journey is the thing"
I hope that answered your question. If you need clarifications, don't
hesitate to ask :-) |