Hi Santabarbara!
The third article appeared on page 001 in The Star-Ledger
on November 16, 2003.
2003/11/16 Sun Pg 001, 1649 words
"The most innovative show you've never seen
Improvised HBO drama about a Washington, D.C., lobbying firm, starring
James Carville and Mary Matalin as themselves. Finale of the debut
season airs tonight at 10 p.m. Make it different, but not too
different. That's the unspoken mantra of the entertainment industry -
one that the HBO series "K Street" cheerfully rejects. Conceived by a
team of filmmakers and political operatives - including director
Steven Soderbergh, actor-director... "
Search criteria:
I searched for Matt Zoller Seitz at the Star-Ledger archive.
SEARCH - RESULTS LIST from The Star-Ledger Archive
Your search was:
All text with: Matt Zoller Seitz
And Between: 2003-01-01 and 2003-12-31
Word forms: Exact+Plural
Proximity: Story
In order of: Newest first
Regarding the second article:
While searching for "Beltway Hall of Mirrors" I found the following:
HBO's 'K Street': Beltway Hall of Mirrors
Washington Post
This article was also published on September 15, 2003.
If it turns out that this is the correct article, it was published on page C.01
HBO's 'K Street,' In Uncharted Territory
Tom Shales; The Washington Post; Sep 15, 2003; C.01;
HBO's 'K Street,' In Uncharted Territory
[FINAL Edition]
The Washington Post - Washington, D.C.
Author: Tom Shales
Date: Sep 15, 2003
Start Page: C.01
Section: STYLE
Text Word Count: 807
"Various politicians showed up on the premiere as themselves -- most
notably Howard Dean, former Vermont governor and would-be Democratic
presidential nominee, who was willing to admit in the course of the
half-hour that he relies on professional counsel when "prepping" for a
debate -- the counsel being [James Carville], acting against the
wishes of his wife and other members of the firm, who think it will
somehow sully its reputation right out of the starting gate. Dean also
was shown using a rehearsed joke about Trent Lott as a supposedly
spontaneous remark during the debate, a real one sponsored by the
Congressional Black Caucus (other candidates were seen in news
footage, drafted unknowingly into the scenario).
[Steven Soderbergh]'s direction kept up a steady sense of tension even
when little really seemed at stake in the story. It opened with a
man's shoes being fastidiously shined, and throughout the show we kept
getting peeks of this unknown creature being buffed, polished, trimmed
and toned for some big event ahead. He turned out to be an exotic
character called Francisco Duprey who was hitting up [Mary Matalin]
and Carville for a job, and pouring on charm with slithery aplomb."
I did a search for Howard Kurtz in September 2003 and could not find
anything similar to the title you mentioned.
Search: Howard Kurtz
Between: 09/01/2003 and 09/30/2003
Author: Howard Kurtz
1. Preview | Buy J. Lo and Co., Slapping The Suitors They Beckon
Howard Kurtz; The Washington Post; Sep 22, 2003; C.01;
2. Preview | Buy Media Primary Begins for Democrats
Candidates' First Ads Stress Contrast With Bush, Empathy for Middle Class Voters
Howard Kurtz; The Washington Post; Sep 7, 2003; A.05;
3. Preview | Buy For 'Gotcha' Reporting, The Getting's Not So Good
Howard Kurtz; The Washington Post; Sep 29, 2003; C.01;
4. Preview | Buy The Scribes of Buzz: They're All Antennae
Howard Kurtz; The Washington Post; Sep 15, 2003; C.01;
5. Preview | Buy Media Primary Commences as Democrats Run First Ads
Howard Kurtz; The Washington Post; Sep 7, 2003; A.01;
6. Preview | Buy The Reportage Report
Survey Assesses 'Tone' of Iraq Coverage
Howard Kurtz; The Washington Post; Sep 8, 2003; C.01;
7. Preview | Buy Media Review Conduct After Leak
CIA Inquiry Leads to Questions About What Should Be Published
Howard Kurtz; The Washington Post; Sep 29, 2003; A.04;
8. Preview | Buy Debatably, Clooney Turns Cameraman
Howard Kurtz; The Washington Post; Sep 10, 2003; C.08;
9. Preview | Buy ABC Ships Uranium Overseas for Story
Federal Officials Call Test a Crime
Howard Kurtz; The Washington Post; Sep 11, 2003; A.21;
10. Preview | Buy MSNBC Host Gets Bitten by His 'Rat of the Week'
Howard Kurtz; The Washington Post; Sep 13, 2003; C.01;
I hope this is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |