Dear notekie-ga;
Thank you for allowing me to answer your interesting question. Since
there is no way to know for certain exactly why there is an acute
interest in your domain name, and the very nature of your question
solicits an opinion and seems to invite speculation, I will gladly
offer mine.
First, I suspect that simply by coming here and posting your question
(and of course your domain name) you will generate even more attention
to your auction. I feel it is important to mention this because in
short order you may see an even greater number of inquires because
words and phrases that appear on Google Answers often find their way
to the top of the search order rather quickly.
Now, let me tell you what I DO know, not necessarily about
?, but about issues related to the term ?Shalayla?, which
is what I believe is most likely the issue that is generating a large
part of the interest in your offering on eBay:
Having been in law enforcement for many years I happen to know that a
?shalay? is a slang term for an improvised pipe made from a common
household light bulb which is used to smoke methamphetamine (often
called ?ice?, ?crystal meth? or ?crank? in many regions of the United
States). In my opinion I am convinced that this is what is perking a
substantial interest in your domain name.
Methamphetamine use is almost epidemic in both Louisiana and Los
Angeles, both of which are commonly known by the nomenclature, ?LA?
and both of which have some of the highest national incidences of meth
use. Therefore SHALAYLA.COM is undoubtedly quite appealing to
literally thousands of people who understand this meaning and who
either (A) live in these regions and are part of the drug culture, or
(B) wish to appeal to people in those regions who are familiar with
this drug culture via a catchy internet domain name.
Admittedly there is the possibility that I am way off base here and
the interest in your domain name is simply because the name is very
appealing to several people who can afford the name and any price and
they are competing heavily for it. Perhaps it?s because there are
clubs, businesses or other entities (operating now or planned for the
future) that would benefit from the domain name, or maybe someone is
writing a bestseller that hasn?t hit the store shelves yet and this is
part of the title. In truth there is no way to know the answer to your
question about the hundreds of potential reasons why this name seems
popular without a crystal ball; but what IS certain is that the
scenario I suggested is DEFINTELY an issue of interest to an extremely
large (albeit unfortunate) segment of our younger generation with whom
drug use and the slang terms that go with it are often part of their
routine experience.
Nevertheless, there IS commercial interest in your domain name and
there is nothing unethical in my opinion with selling it in good
faith, with the reasonable presumption that it will be used
responsibly. It appears there is some marketability in the name and if
the current trend continues you may in fact be able to make a bundle
from it provided an enthusiastic and persistent bidder comes along.
Again, regardless of the almost obvious connection between this domain
name and illicit behavior, since there is a possibility that the
interest is merely coincidental, you are under no moral obligation
that I know of to refuse to sell it based on what ?might? become of
I hope you find that my answer exceeds your expectations. If you have
any questions about my research please post a clarification request
prior to rating the answer. Otherwise I welcome your rating and your
final comments and I look forward to working with you again in the
near future. Thank you for bringing your question to us.
Best regards;
Tutuzdad-ga ? Google Answers Researcher
Defined above
Google ://