Several years ago, I purchased a hand-powered shaver from Restoration
Hardware. Basically, you pulled a rip cord and got a good 30 seconds
or so of shaving before you had to pull it again. Inside, there were
blades that ran in a circle under a circular shaving screen (foil).
When the screen went bad after a couple of years, I could not buy a
replacement because RH no longer carried the thing. Today, they no
longer even have it in their system. And the shaver was made in
I am very interested to get another good, hand-powered shaver like
this but have not been able to find one anywhere. The closest I've
come is the dynamo shaver from Modern Outpost (I have it bookmarked at Only problem: I bought it and it DOESN'T work well,
as the other did.
I am interested to have someone find another source for this kind of
shaver (a quality one) that is willing to ship to the U.S. (Could be
shipped from France.)
Thank you! |