Howdy, timespacette. This sounds unmistakably like "Non Nobis Domine."
It is an adaptation of Psalm 115:1. The exact origins of the musical
version are in dispute, but it apparently dates back to the sixteenth
or seventeenth century, and was often used during ceremonial occasions
which involved victories and achievements. The text is also the motto
of the Knights Templar.
"Non Nobis Domine Non Nobis
Sed Nomini Tuo Da Gloriam
Not To Us O Lord Not To Us
But To Your Name Give Glory"
The Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon
"Though Non nobis Domine was written by a skilful composer versed in
counterpoint, it cannot convincingly be attributed to William Byrd
(1542/3-1623). The late, eminent Byrd specialist Philip Brett came to
the view that most of the canons attributed to Byrd were spurious,
including this one. The earliest source of this particular canon dates
from 1620 to 1625 and is preserved in the Fitzwilliam Museum,
Cambridge, in the 'Bull' manuscript, MS 782, f.122v, where it is
anonymous, unbarred and untexted; the TUMS edition (CPDL #10739) above
was made directly from the facsimile reprint in Musical Times volume
113 (1972), page 856, by transposing down a perfect fourth (for the
soprano) and quartering the note values. The canon was published
anonymously in three 17th century collections, yet the earliest
attribution to a specific composer was made as late as 1715 by Thomas
Tudway, who ascribed it to Morley; the woefully inaccurate Dr Pepusch
ascribes it to Byrd in his 1731 Treatise on Harmony; and in 1739 the
theme is quoted in a concerto by Carlo Ricciotti as Canone di
Palestrina! The canon is known to have been admired by Mozart and
Beethoven, whomever its composer was."
Choral Public Domain Library: Non nobis Domine
My Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "sed nomini tuo da gloriam"
Google Web Search: "psalm 115" "non nobis"
Google Web Search: "non nobis domine" "knights templar"
I hope this helps!
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