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French Revolution
Category: Relationships and Society > Politics Asked by: dprk007-ga List Price: $7.77 |
20 May 2006 15:56 PDT
Expires: 19 Jun 2006 15:56 PDT Question ID: 730804 |
BEFORE the French Revolution, what political event in history would have been most like the French Revolution in terms of intensity, violence, political causes , and political outcome? DPRK007 |
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Re: French Revolution
Answered By: adiloren-ga on 20 May 2006 23:07 PDT |
Below I have outlined the three most similar revolutions to the French Revolution. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1642-1653 English Revolution "Commenced as a civil war between Parliament and King, culminating in the execution of Charles I and the establishment of a republican Protectorate." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutions#Liberal_revolutions "The betrayal by Charles caused Parliament to debate whether to return the King to power at all. Those who still supported Charles's place on the throne tried once more to negotiate with him. Furious that Parliament continued to countenance Charles as a ruler, the army marched on Parliament and conducted "Pride's Purge" (named after the commanding officer of the operation, Thomas Pride) in December 1648. Troops arrested 45 Members of Parliament (MPs) and kept 146 out of parliament. Only 75 were allowed in, and then only at the army's bidding. This Rump Parliament was ordered to set up a high court of justice in order to try Charles I for treason in the name of the people of England. The trial reached its foregone conclusion. 59 Commissioners (judges) found Charles I guilty of high treason, as a "tyrant, traitor, murderer and public enemy." He was beheaded on a scaffold in front of the Banqueting House of the Palace of Whitehall on January 30, 1649. After the Restoration in 1660, the regicides who were still alive and not living in exile were either executed or sentenced to life imprisonment." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Revolution Further Reading: The English Revolution 1640 by Christopher Hill http://www.marxists.org/archive/hill-christopher/english-revolution/ **Similarities to the French Revolution: Both challenged absolute monarchy and promoted a Republican form of government. Both led to a "reign of terror" where political opponents were violently executed- including the monarchs themselves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1688 Glorious Revolution (England) "The overthrow in England of King James II and establishment of a Whig-dominated Protestant constitutional monarchy." "With the passage of the Bill of Rights, it stamped out any final possibility of a Catholic monarchy, and ended moves towards monarchical absolutism in the British Isles by circumscribing the monarch's powers. The King's powers were greatly restricted; he could no longer suspend laws, levy taxes, or maintain a standing army during peacetime without Parliament's permission. Since 1689, England, and later the United Kingdom, has been governed under a system of constitutional monarchy, which has been uninterrupted. Since then, Parliament has gained more and more power, and the Crown has progressively lost it." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glorious_Revolution **Similarities to the French Revolution: The Glorious Revolution was not near as violent as the French Revolution. However, the political ideals were similar. Both were revolutions against absolute monarchical power and sought to overthrow a Catholic monarch and instiute a more Republican form of government. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The American Revolution: "Established independence of the thirteen North American colonies from Great Britain, creating the republic of the United States of America. A war of independence in that it created one nation from another, it was also a revolution in that it overthrew an existing societal and governmental order: the Colonial government in the Colonies. The American Revolution heavily influenced the French Revolution that followed it and lead to the creation of a Constitutional form of government (see U.S. Constitution) that has been emulated the world over. As such, the American Revolution has been the most important revolution in the history of the world and one of the most influential political events of all time." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutions#Liberal_revolutions Further Reading: http://www.americanrevolution.com/ **Similarities to the French Revolution: Ideologically, the French Revolution was strongly influenced by the American Revolution and both movements were rooted in the Enlightenment principles of freedom, equality, and universal rights. Both revolutions had economic and ideological motivations. Taxes and socio-economic relations played important roles in both. The American revolution did not result in a "reign of terror" primarily because it was a revolutionary war of independence and resulted in the development of an entirely different nation. However, the revolution itself was very violent. Ironically, one of the economic causes of the French Revolution was discontent over French funding of the American Revolutionary war and the taxes that were leveled as a result. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Summary: The French Revolution has much in common with all of the revolutions noted above. In terms of political causes, intensity and outcome- the American Revolution is the most similar. In terms of the type of violence and the resulting "reign of terror", the English Revolution is the closest corollary. Google Search Strategy -"liberal revolutions" -"republican revolutions" -"causes of the french revolution" |
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Re: French Revolution
From: myoarin-ga on 20 May 2006 16:19 PDT |
Perhaps the strife prior to the Magna Carta: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magna_Carta OR the English Civil War, that resulted in the beheading of Charles I (nice parallel): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Civil_War |
Re: French Revolution
From: elids-ga on 20 May 2006 18:43 PDT |
The Roman empire fell with the Barbarian invasions, from these invasions the Goths occupied Iberia that was previously on the hands of the Romans, the Goth empire lasted almost 300 years. On 711 Iberia was invaded by the Moors who defeated the Goths in less than two years. In ca 840 the last standing Visigoth kingdom started the ?Reconquista?, taking Iberia back from the Moors. This would prove to be the longest bloodiest war Europe had seen to date, on a percentage of deaths to population it is still unparalleled in Europe, during WWII less than 20% of the population died on either side. When it was all over there were barely a few thousand Moors still in Iberia, they were ordered to convert to Christianity or leave, most left. "in terms of intensity, violence, political causes , and political outcome?" Although extremely lengthy and bloody (to the point of extermination), had the Moors not been stopped in Iberia, Europe would be Muslim not Christian. Europe would be similar to the middle east today. Think no other event has been more influential in European history due to what it prevented. |
Re: French Revolution
From: frde-ga on 21 May 2006 03:24 PDT |
@elids-ga Fairly recently I've heard some revisionist stuff about the Moors in Spain It sounds as if they were welcomed by the Goths whose civilization had declined, and rather liked the improved standard of living - the original invaders were apparently rather cultured - good at medicine, laws, architecture and algebra. Later, so it goes, other 'Moors' came in as military backup (fresh from the desert), they were the equivalent of todays Islamists and busily defaced sculptures etc produced by the original Moors. Sometimes ones allies can be a liability. Curiously Hollywood is slightly aware of this, El Cid had 'Moorish' allies. Supposedly the Spanish hero Guzman was actually a 'Moor', and I saw a documentary in which a charming, elderly, Spanish Duchess produced evidence that her ancestors were actually Moorish Emirs. The general take was that the original invasion was a bit like the Norman conquest of Normandy - or more accurately the way the Romans tended to spread out. I've also got a suspicion that conversion/re-conversion was not that difficult, the second wave of Moors were not that congenial. Another revisionist story that came out recently is that the Roman invasion of Britain was a public relations stunt for the citizens of Rome - archeologists found evidence of Roman presence well before AD 43. One thing that is long forgotton, is that the Middle East was once highly civilized - at a time that a lot of Europe had reverted to near barbarianism. The Eastern Roman Empire once considered the Roman senators a bunch of peasants. (When European Rome fell apart, Constantinople prospered). History is written from the point of view of the victor, and it is convenient to be descended from victors :} |
Re: French Revolution
From: myoarin-ga on 21 May 2006 14:26 PDT |
I left out the American Revolution because it had little effect on the way England was governed - the "political outcome" of the revolution on the central government. Of course, self-rule in the new nation was an at least as major change, but of a different type, I feel, in comparison with the French Revolution. |
Re: French Revolution
From: elids-ga on 21 May 2006 14:41 PDT |
Hi Frde, No doubt the Moors had a more advanced civilization than the Goths. However to say that they were welcome in Iberia is incorrect, it flies on the face of all historical accounts both Muslim and Christian. Their advance was swift for two main reasons, complacency after close to 300 years of being undefeated and unchallenged the Visigoths in Iberia had lost their previous zealousness and preparation for combat. Two, what used to be a highly mobile, well trained Goth army had become a sedentary population of farmers that had acquired all of the traits of the Romans (in doing so they preserved much of the Roman culture we know today). ?and rather liked the improved standard of living ? that too goes against recorded history, at least in part. The Christians distrust the Moors because of their unhealthy daily ritual of bathing. ?El Cid had 'Moorish' allies? it is possible alliances were often made and betrayed at the drop of a hat. The Romans had the Goths as allies against the Huns but at the same time the Alans, Vandals, Suaves and Goths became allies against the Romans. ?Supposedly the Spanish hero Guzman was actually a 'Moor',? thanks to DNA analysis we now know that 5% of Spain is of Moor ascent. ?conversion/re-conversion was not that difficult,? this is incorrect. The main reason for Christianity to be able to fight off the Muslim Moors was that the Moors never imposed their beliefs on the Christians, in fact they were encouraged to practice it as they saw it (Christianity) as a real religion, not a pagan belief. However, if somebody choose to convert to Islam and they attempted to reconvert to Christianity the penalty was death by stoning, in fact it still is. There was a recent incident in Pakistan were a Muslim man wanted to convert to Christianity and was sentenced to death by a Pakistani court. I believe that Bush?s intervention with the Pakistani?s authorities saved that man?s life ( I didn?t follow it closely so some facts there may be slightly off). ?History is written from the point of view of the victor? this is certainly true. Luckily we have the same history written in Arabic by the Moors, while certain accounts (dates, number of deaths in battles etc) vary here and there, for the most part the historical records coincide. There are some very interesting books on the matter (free) on http://libro.uca.edu/ ========================== Because of the inclusion of ?most like the French Revolution? in the original quote the answer could be viewed as correct, but in terms of ?intensity, violence, political causes , and political outcome?? ?The Reconquista? stands unparalleled. The American revolution had absolutely nothing in common with the French revolution. The French revolution was the masses moving fighting out of hunger, in the rebellion to ?the establishment? that had caused the famine the monarchy perished. There were many on the social/political scene that benefitted from it and their views were imposed on the new order, but the revolution did not happen for political reasons, it happened because of hunger which incidentally was caused by the ?little Ice age?. The American revolution was about people fighting for their freedom from foreign powers, from Washington to Bolivar it was in part about independence, but mostly about taxation. This part is woefully incorrect ?one of the economic causes of the French Revolution was discontent over French funding of the American Revolutionary war? The French never funded the American revolution, it was self funded. The Google researcher may have meant to say ?one of the economic causes of the French Revolution was discontent over French funding of the US war of independence? but that is not what he/she said. Eli |
Re: French Revolution
From: frde-ga on 22 May 2006 01:31 PDT |
@Elids, Thanks for the link. I don't know whether I believe the revisionist version, it is just something I heard about fairly recently - mainly a TV documentary. Their version was that Iberia had become depopulated and had been scrapping with each other, so the Moors (seeking Lebensraum) were not that unwelcome. I'm surprized about the bathing bit, the Romans were there long before, there are some interesting Roman remains near Tarifa (the southernmost tip of Spain) I'm really surprized that it is only 5% DNA, from observation in Southern Spain, I would have expected much more. From a practical point of view, I find it a bit unlikely that the majority of the population would have been driven 'back to Africa', they would have been in Spain for generations - it would be a bit like the Normans driving the Saxons back to Germany. Another 'revisionist' thing I heard was that the Jews were expelled from Spain because they had got on well with the Moors, that ties in with the Moors letting the Christians alone. From observation, the Moors that settled Iberia were not at all hard line, they had no problems with 'images' - to compare them with hard liners in Pakistan and the sandier bits of the Middle East is a bit rough. As with most things, it is difficult to know what really happened, although one can generally be pretty sure that it was not precisely what is described in the 'official history'. Probably that's why I quite like to consider 'revisionist' versions ... |
Re: French Revolution
From: elids-ga on 22 May 2006 07:59 PDT |
Hi frde, You can see the branches of the human tree (male lines Philogenetic Haplogroup Tree) and were they predominate at http://www.dnaheritage.com/ysnptree.asp to see the tree as it stands today with all the branches within the main branches go to www.isogg.org/tree/index.html to read studies on the different branches you can go to http://www.worldfamilies.net/y-haplogroups.htm Moors and Jews are of Arabian descent they are both (for the most part) part of Haplogroup J. If you go to http://www.white-history.com/spain.htm scroll down to ?Moorish influence in Iberia? you?ll see a pretty good and simple extract of the paper I?ll paste the conclusion ?Presuming that (1) the mixed race North African Moors had between 28.6% and 71% HG25.2; (2) there was no HG25.2 in Iberia prior to the Moorish invasion; and (3) the average level of HG25.2 across Iberia today is 2%; This would imply that about 3-7% of Iberian male lineages are of Moorish origin, though this is evidently higher in places like the Pas valley.? Which is pretty much what most charts indicate, about 5% of Moorish ascent. On the same page you find other studies that point to North African influence on the area, it is possible that, that genetic influence is what you are observing. ?From a practical point of view, I find it a bit unlikely that the majority of the population would have been driven 'back to Africa'? That is what history tells us and from a practical point of view we can see from genetic results that in fact this was the case. What is today 5% in the 1400's would?ve been less than 1% because the growth in percentages tend to favor the minorities of any population, not to mention that of the millions of Spaniards that eventually settled in America among the prerequisites to travel they had to prove that their blood was free from Jewish or Moorish ancestry. Further enhancing the percentage growth of the Moorish descendants among the Spaniard population. ?As with most things, it is difficult to know what really happened, although one can generally be pretty sure that it was not precisely what is described in the 'official history'.? While I tend to agree with you here, we can not ignore the facts. Certainly the victors will write the accounts of what happen so that they are always the ?good guys?, although the reasons why something happened may be slanted or changed to favor the victor of any encounter, the facts of what happened can not be changed. And if in fact history was (as you contend) changed to favor the victor, that fact would be reflected centuries later on the genetic markers of the population. This is not the case, so in this case at least the historical version must be accurate. |
Re: French Revolution
From: frde-ga on 23 May 2006 03:25 PDT |
@Elids Interesting stuff, I am not up to speed with DNA so I'm uncertain how to read it. By that I mean interpret it. My understanding is that DNA is pretty fragile, so getting good historical samples is pretty unusual. Lead lined coffins and frozen corpses come to mind. As such, 'migration' seems to be inferred from the current distribution, which is a bit tricky as one Alpha bunch might migrate to pastures new, leaving behind their Betas who in turn got invaded and pretty much died out - as they would be swamped by another wave. There is another angle, historically there were rather large armies, and they tended to have 'camp followers' typically females who were picked up and discarded along the line. Consequently military movements had something in common with deliberate migration. One thing that humans have in common with rabbits, is the ability to interbreed given any opportunity, which means that a small 'sample' of males can leave a rather disproportionately impressive footprint. I'm not saying that this is true, but it is possible that the Moorish invaders who took over Spain became the dominant race and that their original home was dominated by another Alpha group. Digressing, I have a theory that unsuccessful populations are pushed into colder climes, where they genetically mutate and ferociously genetically select then invade the warmer South. It is a matter of interpreting data, I can take three things and spin a yarn, which makes me suspicious of others with similar abilities. - most importantly (ego centrically) you've made me think Incidentally the Indian Mutiny is definitely a contender for the original poster, it led to the start of an Empire and de-privatisation of overseas 'interests'. |
Re: French Revolution
From: elids-ga on 23 May 2006 10:51 PDT |
Hmm my fault, I should?ve explained it. There are two chromosomes that get passed from one generation to the next without it being recombined with those of the other partner. The female X or mtDNA is passed from mother to daughter, and the male Y-DNA is passed from father to son, essentially males have a clone Y-DNA of his father?s, and the same is true for females and the mtDNA from their mother?s. Because of this the study of Y-DNA is extremely useful in genealogy, since we follow the same pattern when passing on last names - from father to son-. However, every so often a ?mistake? occurs in the copying of the Y-DNA from father to son, this mistake is known as a ?mutation?. Approximately once every 500 genetic generations (each male is a genetic generation i/e father and three sons=4 genetic generations) a mutation occurs, by counting the coincidences and the discrepancies we can estimate when two males that share the surname must?ve had a common ancestor, or if they are related at all. Over tens of thousands of years the male lineages of humanity have acquired distinct markers due to mutations that should not have existed i/e to molecules that pair in a manner that is not a ?normal? bonding, we know this extremely improbable occurrences as SNIPs. These SNIPs separate the branches of humanity, most Europeans descend from a man that lived sometime between 12,000 - 18,000 years before present during the last Ice Age in the Iberian refuge, his descendants are known as members of Haplogroup R1b, most Jewish and Muslims trace their roots via paternal line to the middle east, that group is predominantly descended from another branch of humanity known as J. So, if we test the males in Iberia that are members of one Haplogroup or another we can get a pretty good idea of where their ancestors came from. Those Haplogroups brake down into smaller branches that represent ever smaller groups of people, so far they have even discovered some that are ?so far? attributed to a couple of specific families, but for our purposes we will leave it at Haplogroups. If we know that only 5 % of Iberia?s population is descended from one of the branches of J that is predominant among Moors it is safe to say that they are the descendant of the Moor invaders. The same can be said for the rest of the population and were their ancestors originated. I should point out that my comments have all been directed at the male lineages, I have not yet read-up on the female lineages. Although unlikely it is possible that the female lines (of Moor ascent) are more extended in Iberia than the male lines. ?Incidentally the Indian Mutiny...? unfortunately I?m not versed on this subject. Cheers, |
Re: French Revolution
From: frde-ga on 24 May 2006 02:50 PDT |
@elids-ga Thanks for the further explanation. I was unsure about the Y chromozone, but remember reading that in India females tend to be more upwardly 'caste mobile' than males, which kind of figures. Interesting. |
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