Who wants to join the Old Codgers Assocition of America. Looking for
mature men,40 and older. This is the start up of a new association of
men who like to "bullshit",have fun, enjoy the ironies of life,"knows
a little about everything,and a whole lot about nothing" men who have
a good sense of humor---dry, wity,sharp,etc. Men who can take a
"ribbing" as well as give it. Men who can make lite of themselves,etc. |
Clarification of Question by
06 Oct 2002 15:45 PDT
Looking for men, who as individuals,or already existing
associations,clubs, organizations,etc. Who are interested in starting
the before mentioned and loosely described Old Codgers Association of
America. Want to detemine if there is enough interest to start up
such an association on a local,state,national,and international level.
Will start with a web site if there is enough interest. Have received
2 hits so far---one international. 10/6/o2