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Etymology of the word 'violence'
Category: Reference, Education and News > Teaching and Research Asked by: kmila-ga List Price: $10.00 |
21 May 2006 07:07 PDT
Expires: 20 Jun 2006 07:07 PDT Question ID: 730980 |
According to Newton Garver in his article ?What violence is? found in Violence in Modern Literature, ?the Latin root of the word ?violence? is a combination of two Latin words: the word ?vis? (force) and the past participle of ?latus? of the word ?fero? (to carry). The Latin word ?violare? is itself a combination of these two words and its present participle ?violans? is a plausible source for the word ?violence?, so that the word ?violence? in its etymological origin, has the sense of to carry force at or toward? (46). My advisor believes that this etymology is wrong since she suspects that ?violence? comes from vi-o-latus which means, rather, ?carry out something THROUGH force?. This would mean that ?vis? is the instrument (ablative case) NOT the object (accusative case) of the action. Would you please help me clarify this problem? |
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Re: Etymology of the word 'violence'
From: myoarin-ga on 21 May 2006 07:17 PDT |
Here is what etymonline.com says: "violence Look up violence at Dictionary.com c.1290, "physical force used to inflict injury or damage," from Anglo-Fr. and O.Fr. violence, from L. violentia "vehemence, impetuosity," from violentus "vehement, forcible," probably related to violare (see violate). Weakened sense of "improper treatment" is attested from 1596. Violent is attested from c.1340. In M.E. the word also was applied in ref. to heat, sunlight, smoke, etc., with the sense "having some quality so strongly as to produce a powerful effect." |
Re: Etymology of the word 'violence'
From: webadept-ga on 21 May 2006 12:22 PDT |
violentia ae, f violentus, violence, vehemence impetuosity, ferocity, fury: novi hominis: fortu nae, S.: voltu-s, fierceness, O. Power or force is, in Latin, vis, vim, vi, vires (f), where the cases shown are nominative, accusative, ablative and nominative plural. The other cases are not used. Vis viva, "living force," was the old name for what is now called energy. http://www.du.edu/~etuttle/classics/latin/latin20.htm Magna vis conscientiae. The force of conscience is great. http://www.righthandpointing.com/latin/?p=169 Ubi iudicat qui accusat, vis, non lex, valet. (Publilius Syrus, Sententia 692) When the one who accuses is also the one who judges, violence, not law, is the winner. http://www.righthandpointing.com/latin/?p=52 violatio -onis, f. injury, violation, profanation. violator -oris, m. injurer, violator, profaner. violens -entis, violent, furious, impetuous; adv. violenter. violentia -ae, f. violence, impetuosity. violentus -a -um, violent, vehement, furious, impetuous. violo -are, to violate, outrage, injure. |
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