Hello again Jess05,
From Dorland Healthcare:
The Latin American & Caribbean Hospital Database is the only
comprehensive database of hospitals in Latin America. Published by
Dorland Healthcare Information in conjunction with the Pan American
Health Organization, this database offers up to 130 data items on
approximately 15,000 hospitals
Number of hospitals by country
Brazil 6,196
Mexico 2,351
Chile 396
Argentina 1,722
Colombia 1,038
Venezuela 328
Brazil - 7500 hospitals
?The Brazilian Healthcare model has a comprehensive coverage: anybody
can have medical assistance in any of the 6000 hospitals of the
national healthcare network. There are 7500 hospitals in Brazil - most
of them work for SUS and are paid directly from the federal
government. DATASUS is the ministry of health official authority to
process all healthcare data in the country, from hospital stay to
primary care programs. From these 6000 hospital more than 70 % of them
have less than 100 beds and very few informatics infrastructure. Most
of them only have the system offered (for free) by DATASUS to manage
the patients? bills for reimbursement.?
?We have 7,500 hospitals in Brazil, about the same number in the
States. The average size of our hospitals is smaller than those in the
States. The average is about 70 beds, one of the city's hospitals has
almost 100 beds. The number of hospitals has decreased in the States
and it is increasing here. Of the 7,500 hospitals 1,200 are public
hospitals and 3,000 are institutions, I don't think you have the
equivalent. These are kind of community general hospitals. Catholic,
most of them. And 3,000 private hospitals that would make the 7,500
hospitals that we have.?
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Chile (2003)
According to the Instituto Nacional de Estadística of Chile, there are
386 hospitals in Chile.
207 State Hospitals
179 Private Hospitals
1,321 hospitals in Argentina
Source: INDEC National Statistics (2004)
640 hospitals
- 296 Public Hospitals
- 344 Private Hospitals
?Los hospitales de la red de establecimientos públicos suman 296 (214
dependientes del MSDS o de las gobernaciones, 33 del IVSS, 13 del
IPSFA, 3 de PDVSA, 29 de INAGER, 2 de la CVG, 1 de la alcaldía de
Miranda y 1 de la Policía estatal de Caracas). El sector privado
cuenta con 344 hospitales (315 instituciones lucrativas y 29
fundaciones benéficas).?
OPS-OMS Venezuela
In 1997, there were 4506 hospitals in Mexico, 1539 of them. Public
1100 public hospitals in Colombia,
Search terms used:
Hospitals in ?country?
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |