For a case study on the ban on Onur Air of Turkey last May I need:
data on top tourism destinations of EU countries (and Russia if possible)
data for tourists traveling from (in order of priority) Netherlands,
Germany, France, UK, Italy, Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland to the
top tourism destinations (if Turkey is not ranked high, it needs to be
represented explicitly) also need a distinction if there is
significant numbers of citizens of the destination traveling from EU
(Turks in Germany, France and NL; Morrocans and Algerians in France
I am trying to investigate where the share of tourism lost by Turkey
has moved (Greece?Cyprus?Spain?Morroco?)
and of the remaining TR tourism who carried tourists to Turkey (by
country of origin of travel if possible, so mkt share leaders in each
of the countries) make sure to point out distinction in numbers
flag carrier vs non-flag carrier
scheduled vs chartered flights
I am especially trying to capture an understanding of what airlines
captured Onur's lost mkt share after the ban. |