Hello Steelsam,
According to my findings below, there are between 5.4 and 5.6 million
spas and hot tubs in the United States.
?There are 4.7 million in-ground swimming pools and 3.6 million
above-ground pools in the United States and 5.4 million spas and hot
tubs, Laven said.?
CEO of Latham pool company addresses U.S. Senate hearing
The Business Review: May 9, 2006
« With 5.6 million spas and hot tubs in the United States (260,000
installed last year alone) service technicians and do-it-yourselfers
have been clamoring for a practical user-friendly guide to demystify
the purchase, repair, installation, and everyday maintenance of spas
and tubs. »
The Ultimate Guide to Spas and Hot Tubs : 11/07/2005
There are 5.4 million hot tubs in the United States. In 2005 alone
399,000 units were sold.
Huntington News Service : April 16, 2006
Drownings in Spas and Hot Tubs
?Since 1990, CPSC has reports of more than 800 deaths in spas and hot
tubs. About one-fifth of those were drownings to children under age
Consumer Product Safety Commission
"Spas, Hot Tubs, and Whirlpools"
CPSC Document #5112
?Of 700 deaths in spas and hot tubs recorded in the USA since 1980, a
third were children under five years of age, emphasising the
importance of supervision of children playing with water.?
World Water Today
?According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the most
significant hazard from spas and hot tubs is the same as swimming
pools -- drowning. Since 1980, the CPSC has reported more than 700
deaths in spas and hot tubs. About one-third of those were drownings
involving children under the age of five.?
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
?CPSC has reports of nine children under 5 years old. who died as a
result of submersion in a residential spa or hot tub in 2002.?
CPSC: Summer 2005
?According to a Scripps Howard News Service study of federal mortality
records from 1999 to 2003, 1,676 Americans were reported to have
drowned in a tub during this five-year period, an average of 335 a
year. Infants, very young children and the elderly are at risk, but
more than half of all tub deaths are among able-bodied people between
the ages of 5 and 64.?
It is not clear if the above figure includes bath tub related deaths as well.
Huntington News Service : April 16, 2006
Search terms used:
?* million spas and hot tubs?
drowning "spas and hot tubs"
I hope the information provided is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |