Hello minerand and thank you for the question.
In order to form a new political party in California you have to go
through a registration process with "The Secretary of State's
Elections Division"
General Information - Elections Division
Phone: (916) 657-2166
Fax: (916) 653-3214
E-Mail: Elections@ss.ca.gov
To read the full text, click on the address at the end of this
"Qualified political parties are entitled to have candidates
identified with that political party standing for partisan offices on
the ballot. In order for a party to have such identified candidates,
that party must have already qualified to participate in the primary
election or, if not qualified, must have completed all the
qualification requirements by the 135th day before the next following
primary election (March 5, 2002).
Political parties are currently qualified to participate in the party
nominating process called the direct primary election. They are, in
alphabetical order: American Independent, Democratic, Green,
Libertarian, Natural Law, Republican, and Reform.
Political bodies can qualify by registration or by petition for the
2002 primary election. The number of registrants or petition signers
is based on a percentage of the number of persons (8,621,121) who
voted at the November 3, 1998 General Election.
To qualify a new political party by registration requires that 86,212
persons (one percent) complete an affidavit of registration, on which
they have written in the proposed party name as the party they
affiliate with. These affidavits of registration must be completed and
mailed in by the 154th day before the primary election.
To qualify a new political party by petition requires that 862,113
persons (ten percent) sign a petition seeking the inclusion of the
proposed party in the party nominating process at the March 5, 2002
primary election. These petitions must be filed with the several
counties by the proponent in such time that the counties verify the
signatures and certify the counts to the Secretary of State who
certifies the proposed partys qualification not later than the 135th
day before the primary election.
A process, allowing political bodies to become political parties, is
contained in Division 5 of the Elections Code (included below). To
begin the process of qualifying, a political body should follow the
procedure spelled out in Sections 5001 through 5003."
Thank you for the question, and good luck with your new party.
Best regards
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