NOTE: The original answer to this question is below, but it will
be/already has been removed by the editors.
Thanks for your question.
More than 100 large companies with substantial investment recovery
operations are members of the national Investment Recovery
You may want to give this website a good looking-over, as there is a
fair amount of information and resources here regarding investment
recovery operations.
You can also see the list of member companies at their website:
Investment Recovery Association -- Member Companies
I've reproduced the list below, and added industry segments for many
of the companies.
As you can see, the largest single category of companies are those in
the power business -- mostly utilities, though there appear to be some
companies that service the power industry included as well.
The second largest category are the chemical and oil companies -- the
DuPont's and Chevron's of the world.
There are a few companies in each of the categories of Paper
Manufacturing, and Telecom companies, along with an assortment of
large manufacturers in various other industry segments like airlines
(Boeing) and food (Campbell's).
There are a fair number of public entities -- city governments, port
authorities, airports, and the like.
I trust that sort of breakout fully meets your needs.
However, if you desire any additional information about the industries
making use of investment recovery, please let me know, and I'll be
pleased to research this further for you.
All the best,
Abbott Laboratories..................... Chem/Oil
Aera Energy LLC......................... Energy
Alabama Power Company................... Energy
Allegheny Power Service Corp............ Energy
Ameren Services.........................
American Electric Power................. Energy
Ameritech Services......................
Apto Solutions..........................
Arizona Public Service Company.......... Energy
BASF Corporation........................ Chem/Oil
Basin Electric Power Cooperative........ Energy
Bayer CropScience USA LP................ Chem/Oil
BC Hydro................................ Energy
Belgacom NV.............................
BellSouth Telecommunications............ Telecom
Board of Water & Light.................. Energy
Boeing Company.......................... Manufacturing
Bose Corporation........................ Manufacturing
BP West Coast Products LLC..............
BWXT Y-12, LLC..........................
Campbell Soup Company................... Manufacturing
Capgemini Energy LP..................... Energy
Caterpillar Inc......................... Manufacturing
CenterPoint Energy...................... Energy
ChevronTexaco Corporation............... Chem/Oil
Cinergy Corporation.....................
City of Calgary......................... Public
Cleco Corporation.......................
Constellation Energy.................... Energy
Consumers Energy Company................ Energy
Cooper Cameron..........................
Dana Corp............................... Manufacturing
Delco Metals, Inc....................... Manufacturing
Devon Energy Corporation................ Energy
Dofasco Inc.............................
Dominion Resources Services, Inc........
Dow Chemical Company.................... Chem/Oil
DTE Energy.............................. Energy
Duke Energy Field Services.............. Energy
Duke Power Investment Recovery.......... Energy
DuPont.................................. Chem/Oil
Duquesne Light Company.................. Energy
Eastman Chemical Company................ Chem/Oil
Eli Lilly and Company................... Chem/Oil
Enbridge Pipelines, Inc................. Chem/Oil
Entergy Corporation.....................
ExxonMobil Global Services Company...... Chem/Oil
First Energy Corporation................ Energy
Florida Power & Light................... Energy
GE Advanced Materials................... Manufacturing
General Dynamics C4S.................... Manufacturing
Georgia Power Company................... Energy
Glenn Springs Holdings, Inc.............
Grays Harbor PDA........................
Hospira, Inc............................
Husky Oil Operations Limited............ Chem/Oil
Hydro Quebec............................ Energy
Idaho Power Company..................... Energy
Imperial Oil Limited.................... Chem/Oil
Integrated Logistics Services, Inc......
Intel Corporation....................... Manufacturing
International Paper Company............. Paper
J.R. Simplot Company....................
Kimberly-Clark Corporation.............. Paper
L.A. County Metro Transportation Authori Public
Lakefront Capital.......................
Lee County Electric Cooperative, Inc.... Energy
LMC Properties, Inc.....................
Louisiana Pacific....................... Manufacturing
Marathon Oil Company.................... Chem/Oil
Meridian Oil/Burlington Resources....... Chem/Oil
Ministry of Finance & Corporate Relation Public
MTA NYC Transit......................... Public
National Semiconductor.................. Manufacturing
Nevada Power Co......................... Energy
Niagara Grid USA Service Company, Inc... Energy
NISource................................ Manufacturing
Northeast Utilities Service Company..... Energy
Northern Natural Gas.................... Chem/Oil
NOVA Chemicals Corp..................... Chem/Oil
Oglethorpe Power Corporation............ Energy
Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation.... Public
Ontario Power Generation Inc............ Energy
Pacific Gas & Electric Co............... Energy
Panhandle Energy........................ Energy
Peabody Energy.......................... Energy
PECO Energy Co.......................... Energy
PEPCO Holdings Inc...................... Energy
Pfizer Corp............................. Chem/Oil
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey. Public
Portland General Electric Company.......
Praxair, Inc............................
Procter & Gamble Company................ Chem/Oil
Progress Energy......................... Energy
PSEG Services Corporation............... Energy
Public Works Commission................. Energy
Rutgers University......................
Salt River Project......................
San Diego Gas & Electric................ Energy
Santee Cooper (South Carolina Public Aut Public
Seminole Electric Cooperative, Inc...... Energy
Snohomish County PUD.................... Energy
South Carolina Electric & Gas Company... Energy
Southern California Edison Company...... Energy
Sprint.................................. Telecom
State Farm Mutual Automobile Ins. Co....
STP Nuclear Operating Company........... Energy
Suncor Energy Inc. (Oil Sands).......... Chem/Oil
Sunrise E&E Inc.........................
Tampa Electric Company.................. Energy
Target Corporation......................
Tennessee Valley Authority.............. Energy
Texas Gas Transmission LLC.............. Chem/Oil
TransCanada Pipelines Ltd............... Chem/Oil
United States Postal Service............ Public
Valero Energy Corporation............... Energy
Vancouver Int'l. Airport Authority...... Public
Verizon................................. Telecom
Washington Metropolitian Area Transit Au Public
We Energies............................. Energy
Western Gas Resources................... Chem/Oil
Weyerhaeuser Company.................... Paper
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation.... Energy
Xcel Energy............................. Energy
Again, if there's anything more you need, just holler.
search strategy -- Google searches on:
investment recovery association
"investment OR asset recovery department OR dept OR div OR division"
This search results page may be of interest, as it identifies
additional companies with IR operations:
Request for Answer Clarification by industry_marketer-ga on 26 May 2006 12:04 PDT
Hello, your answer tells me about industries that tend to have
companies that are part of an association. However, it does not tell
me about industries that tend to have large investment recovery
While I can see an indirect leap of assertions to reach the conclusion
conclusion that association members would have large departments, it
does not answer my question.
For example, what if an association has a particularly good way of
marketing to industry A but not to industry B? And what if industry A
tends to have companies with small investment recovery departments
whereas industry B tends to have companies with large investment
recovery departments? |