Hello Airjesusdotcom,,
Wow, it seems that this style of toilet is not at all popular in the
US! I have found several suppliers, but it appears that you will have
to contact the suppliers yourself for pricing and installation
information. I have posted all that I have found!
Contact the seller here:
Made in China
Squat toilet
You will probably need to make several calls to order one of these:
Squatting pans
Check the Indian Pans menu
Squatting pans
Squatting pans in color!
Contact eParryware
Most of the links for the squat toilet pictured above are broken. I
have another link below this one:
This model comes in colors, and clicking on the CAD tab on the
illustration gives you further specs.
Stainless Squat Toilets
This site is supposed to carry pipes
Squat Toilet plumbing
Floor Drains
Find A Plumber
?...if you are a member of western society you may never have seen a
squat toilet. If you have seen one, it was probably messy, smelly and
unhygienic ? a real turn off.
There is no need to reduce your standards of hygiene to squat for
bowel movements in the privacy of your own home. Hygiene can be
improved by squatting. For example it is not hygienic to replace
lowered clothing before washing hands as is usual when seated. Removal
of lower clothing is needed to squat and hands can be washed before
clothing is replaced.
An appropriate westernized porcelain squat toilet is yet to be
designed and manufactured, (currently floor models are not, in my
view, appropriate) but other options are available:
1.Use a bed-pan on the floor.
2.Make two piles of 3 or 4 house bricks and tape them together.Place
one pile each side of your toilet. When the need arises (it?s best to
wait for an urge) lift the lid and seat of the toilet and, using the
low platforms as footprints, step across from one to the other (facing
outwards ? grasp the back of a high backed chair for support) and drop
down into a full, relaxed squat posture ? just as if you needed a
comfort stop on a bush walk (or a walk in the American woods). It?s
important for all body weight to be on the feet.
3.For Americans who prefer a customized squatting accessory for their
toilets,Jonathan Isbit?s Nature?s Platform (www.naturesplatform.com)
is designed to fit American toilets and can be adapted to fit almost
any toilet.
4.For Australians the "In-Lieu" is designed to fit snugly around 99%
of Australian toilets. For the remaining 1% modification is possible.
The In-Lieu is sturdy, stable and easily cleaned, but is not generally
suitable for American toilets which are broader and are about 25 mm
lower than Australian toilets. Enquiries about the In-Lieu should be
directed to in-lieu@healthrewardsyou.com
We can accept Credit card payments also.
?In Australia, purchase a different type of toilet converter, the "In
Lieu" from Self Help Concepts, PO Box 222, Macksville NSW 2447. Tel 02
6569 9030 (wholesale enquiries welcome). They also have a book with
more information for sale. However, I much prefer the Nature's
platform - it's more comfortable because the platform is level, and
you can add whatever height heel supports you want. It may not be tall
enough for Australian toilets, but you can stand it on a plank of
3. Pile up bricks around your toilet (make sure they are safe and sturdy)
4. Consider having a real eastern toilet in your house.
5. If you can't manage any of these, it can work quite well to place a
foot stool in front of your toilet. Try to get one as tall as your
toilet. Give it a go - you may be amazed at the results!?
If you want to get the same effect, for less money and no additional
plumbing, try these adaptations!
?A different type of conflict has occasionally occurred with the
Islamic faith. When mosques are constructed, they prefer to install
squat toilets. If you are unfamiliar with this type of fixture, the
simplest explanation is that it looks like a hole in the ground with
two markings as to where to place your feet. You squat over the
opening to use the toilet. After each use, the human waste is flushed
down the drain like a standard water closet.
The problem is that squat toilets are not regulated by the water
closet standard. However, one could make the case that a squat toilet
could be evaluated as an alternative design under the standard. Even
with that in place, these toilets do not go through the testing
requirements for a standard 1.6-gpf water closet.
It is interesting to note that a squat toilet allows the body to be in
the best position to perform the elimination process. The position
greatly reduces the possibility of constipation since it allows the
sphincter to completely open when defecating.
A plumbing inspector cannot prohibit these fixtures from being
installed in a mosque. The Islamic religion is entitled to install
these fixtures for use by their congregation. Furthermore, squat
toilets can be installed rather than standard water closets.
The federal government is so aware of religious freedoms that they
often go out of their way to make sure that new laws do not infringe
on those rights. If you read the Americans with Disabilities Act,
religious institutions (and buildings) are exempt from the
requirements. A church, mosque, synagogue or other religious building
is not required to be retrofitted to conform to the accessibility
I can find no plumbing code that disallows a squat toilet on private
property. The codes I found were similar to the following that applied
to public areas. A licensed plumber can tell you how to make your
squat toilet comply with plumbing you already have in place.
I?m not a plumber, but in looking at these toilets and plumbing, I
wonder if it has the same trap as a regular toilet or sink to prevent
sewer gas(methane)from escaping into your home. (Just a thought of
mine. I seem to recall this type of toilet as being rather smelly)
?1002.4 Trap seals. Each fixture trap shall have a liquid seal of not
less than 2 inches (51 mm) and not more than 4 inches (102 mm), or
deeper for special designs relating to accessible fixtures. Where a
trap seal is subject to loss by evaporation, a deep-seal trap
consisting of a 4-inch (102 mm) seal or a trap seal primer valve shall
be installed. Trap seal primer valves shall be installed on all traps
serving floor drains located in public toilet rooms. A trap seal
primer valve shall conform to ASSE 1018 or ASSE 1044. (Effective
January 1, 2001)?
I hope this has helped you out. Please request an Answer Clarification
if anything is unclear, and allow me to respond, before you rate.
Regards, Crabcakes
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Squat toilets + European
Squat pans
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