Where can I buy Carib Lager online for shipment to the United States? |
Request for Question Clarification by
31 May 2006 15:36 PDT
I'm not posting my findings as an answer yet, since I want to be
certain that you are able to place an order. Here are four online
sources that I've found:
Harry's Wine & Liquor Market
Andover Liquors
Beverage Castle
State Line Liquors
If any of these works out for you, please let me know, and I'll be
glad to repost this as your official answer.
Clarification of Question by
31 May 2006 16:03 PDT
Thanks for the links. The first 2 links appear to accept online orders
for shipping to where I live. The last 2 links don't appear to accept
online orders for shipping. I have attempted to place an order from
www.andoverliquors.com, but it said they had to check availability.
I'll let you know if they actually can get Carib (most places can't
Thanks again...
Clarification of Question by
05 Jun 2006 16:23 PDT
hello. www.andaoverliquors.com finally got back to me about my order.
they say they do not ship beer or liquor, eventhough their website
says they do. go figure. i'll try www.harryswine.com and let you know
how that one goes. thanks.
Request for Question Clarification by
05 Jun 2006 16:43 PDT
Thanks for the update! I haven't found any more options for you, so I
hope that Harry's will do the trick. It's also possible that another
Researcher may locate your lager.
Clarification of Question by
13 Jun 2006 08:33 PDT
Well, it appears that www.harryswine.com may actually work out. I
placed an order for a 6-pack of Carib, and they have shipped
something. It should arrive soon so we will see if it is the real
thing. Unfortunatly, the shipping cost are rediculous. The beer was
about $7 for a 6-pack, but standard ground shipping was about 3 times
that amount. I'm still hoping to find somewhere that can ship a case
of Carib for a reasonable price. Anyway, I will let you know when the
shipment arrives. Thanks.
Request for Question Clarification by
13 Jun 2006 12:27 PDT
Thank you for the info! Although the shipping charge is a bummer, at
least it seems as if you're getting closer to actually having your
beverage. Hope it's as good as expected!
Clarification of Question by
16 Jun 2006 06:47 PDT
I received my order and it was exactly what I was looking for. I
contacted the seller to see if we could work out a deal on shipping if
I ordered larger volumes, but it turns out that the day after they
shipped my order, UPS changed their rules on shipping beer. So they
cannot ship beer anymore! They were going to talk with FedEx and DHL
to see if they would allow them to ship beer. So thanks for your help,
but unfortunatly, it may end up being a 1 time thing. If you or any of
the other researchers find somehere else that can ship Carib Lager,
please let me know. Thanks again.
Request for Question Clarification by
16 Jun 2006 10:08 PDT
I'm sorry to learn that your purchase of Carib Lager turned out to be
a one-shot deal because of shipping problems. I've done some
additional searching, but I haven't been able to turn up any other
sources for you.
If you consider my research to be worth the fee you offered, I'll be
glad to post an official answer so that I can be compensated. If not,
I'll leave the question unanswered, in the hopes that someone else may
be able to find what you need. How would you like to proceed?
Clarification of Question by
16 Jun 2006 15:28 PDT
Yeah, you answered the question and I got what I was looking for.
Thanks for your help!