I am trying to make a case that there are new emerging groups of
broadcast-media (radio and TV) consumers, and that broadcasters need
to "think outside the box" (sorry) to reach them more effectively.
One group I know I'd like to focus on are "infolusters" -- people for
whom too much information is never a problem. They love their PDA,
their cell phone... they have the all-news radio station on the car
radio. For this group, and the other three, I need to know the
criteria listed below, drawn from your research.
So, the four groups:
1. Infolusters
2. Hyper-Connected Teens (with disposible income)
3. Citizen Journalists
4. __________________
(#4 I will need you to find out what the other two largest growing
MEDIA consumer groups are. Women? Early Retirees? People who like to
CONTROL their media? etc.)
What I Need to Learn About Each Group
1. General Demo/Psychographics
2. What are radio and TV stations doing now to try to attract them
(one or two simple case studies with results -- good or bad results
are fine)
3. Best practices: What have people found that should work?
I will be available to answer questions. |
Clarification of Question by
01 Jun 2006 12:00 PDT
Clarifying: "3. Best practices: What have people found that should work?"
What I mean by this is: "3. Best practices: What have radio and TV
stations that have effectively reached this audience done so well?"
Request for Question Clarification by
01 Jun 2006 12:04 PDT
Hello, rservice2-ga
You have asked a very interesting question. Am I correct in assuming
that infolusters is a term you have come up with on your own? I have
done a bit of searching and have come up with nothing. Is there some
other "name" for this group of consumers? Do you have an age range for
these "infolusters" if you want me to simply go by the description you
gave this group?
Clarification of Question by
01 Jun 2006 12:10 PDT
Hi there -- "infolusters" is indeed a term I sort of bastardized from
this site: http://www.trendwatching.com/trends/infolust.htm
It should help you get a sense of the kind of person I mean.
Indeed this whole http://www.trendwatching.com/trends/ site may
provide some great ideas.
Request for Question Clarification by
01 Jun 2006 12:16 PDT
Thanks. I will get a start on this and see what I can come up with. If
I have some further questions, I will get back to you.
Clarification of Question by
01 Jun 2006 13:03 PDT
Sounds good. I'll keep checking this periodically.
Clarification of Question by
02 Jun 2006 13:11 PDT
Just want to be sure this is actively being worked on?
My deadline for this is Tuesday, 5PM ET.
Request for Question Clarification by
02 Jun 2006 15:04 PDT
Hello rservice2-ga,
My colleague umiat-ga has decided not to pursue this question. I just
started working on it. If I don't make suitable progress today I will
unlock it so someone else can give it a shot. There should be no
problem meeting your deadline. More soon.
~ czh ~
Request for Question Clarification by
03 Jun 2006 03:34 PDT
Hello again rservice2-ga,
I'm not making much progress, so in light of your deadline I'm
unlocking the question. Let's hope another researcher will be able to
find what you need.
All the best.
~ czh ~