Dear bijoule-ga,
I would not deal with either of these so called companies for the below reasons.
Their ?About Us? page is a direct copy of a genuine site.
Look at
Then compare it with
Tackle Direct appears to be a legitimate company and has been
operating since 1997. Meanwhile, the domain name for toserbamurah has
only been registered since 17 May 2006. A different address is also
supplied for the registrant. Note also that their sites copyright
states 1997-2006. This clearly wrong.
Email contact is a yahoo email account.
Complete lack of any other reference to the company Toserbamurah.
"Toserba murah"
The Ministry of Industry?s web site is currently not functioning so I
am unable to check if the company is a bona-fide name. However, I
think the above information is sufficient to clearly doubt the
reliability of the company.
They are very confused about their company. On the contact page it
describes its legal status as Co.Ltd. However, this is not an
Indonesian suffix.
Store Name : Newshimano Co.,Ltd
For details of Indonesian business initials see this page.
The domain is registered for two years but to a person or company in
Hawaii. This may be a genuine person whose details have been used
without their knowledge.
Their ?Policy page? is a direct copy of a genuine site.
Look at
Then look at site.
Why should an Indionesian company worry about The Children's Online
Privacy Protection Act of 1998?, and note they have not even bothered
to remove the section on royalty payments which Zazzle gives to people
who submit work to their web site.
Once again, the Ministry of Industry?s web site is currently not
functioning so I am unable to check if the company is a bona-fide
name. However, I think the above information is sufficient to clearly
doubt the reliability of the company.
I hope this answers your question. If it does not, or the answer is
unclear, then please ask for clarification of this research before
rating the answer. I shall respond to the clarification request as
soon as I receive it.
Thank you
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