Hello all,
I am currently involved with a company that is selling software that
will hopefully be used by Real Estate Agencies in the state of
Massachusetts and eventually the entire US.
It would be helpful for us to have more information on our potential
customers in MA and throughout the US for various reasons,
cold-calling to sign up clients, doing market analysis (are there
enough potential clients out there to enable my company to be
profitable), etc?
Please note that I would like links to all the information presented
so that I can continue with the research on my own. That having been
said in the future I'll probably have additional work for a good
So to the questions
1) How many real estate agencies are there in the US, broken down by
state? Which states have the most? By real estate agency I mean any
company that helps people buy/sell real estate or helps find/rent
2) Which metropolitan areas have the most agencies? I know boston,
san fransico and new york must be high on the list but what are the
top 20 areas in the US. I'd like a ranked list with #'s of agencies if
3) Some real estate agencies specialize in rentals and others in
sales. My company is interested in the ones that specialize in
rentals. Any kind of numbers on these would be most appreciated.
4) I will eventually need to cold call these companies, I'd like a
list of company name, address, phone number of all the agencies you
can find in MA, especially in the boston area, since that is where I
will start first. |
Request for Question Clarification by
18 Jun 2006 05:49 PDT
I think the reason your question has not received researcer attention
is that your have, in essence, asked four separate questions, each a
rather different sort of research task from the other.
You might want to consider cancelling this question, and posting each
of your questions as a separate question at Google Answers.
That way, if a researcher can answer only one or two of the four, they
will still be able to go ahead with their work, and provide you the
Just a suggestion...