I found a blog with the following that hopefully will solve your
problem. I am not a del.icio.us user so I could not test it.
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Contacting Del.icio.us Users - the work around
In my interviews with delicious users for my thesis, I came across a
few people who wanted to be able to contact others on the system, but
didn?t have any way to do so.
There are a few scenarios where this need might arise, but just to
give one example, a delicious user who has a web page announced on his
page for readers to use a particular unique tag to add things to a
linkroll that would be fed to his page. This effort was halted,
however, because someone contributed links that seemed unrelated to
the purpose / topic of the web site - not spam, just poor
identification and tagging of the link. The offending contributor had
no contact info or name on del.icio.us (the majority of del.icio.us
users do not) so there was no way to contact this person whatsoever.
I just thought of a work-around. Now that we have for:username where
you can send links directly to another user you can use the note text
to send a message - ?Hi, I saw you were contributing to the XYZ tag,
I?m Ericka and I run xyz.org??
Clearly the problem is that the vast majority of users don?t know you
can do for:username let alone check that ?links for you? box unless
someone is known to send them things, or they?re weird like me and
subscribe to the feed of that page just in case - But, if the for:
feature is ever implemented in such a way that you don?t have to be
extremely ?in the know? to use it then it can serve this purpose.
Maybe this is extremely obvious, and maybe this is one of the reasons
the feature is basically ?hidden? as there are good reasons not to
have a messaging system (the ?creep out? factor, and the additional
avenue for spam / spam blocking), but now that the can of worms is
open I don?t foresee the shut-down of for: so the only road is
improved usability of the feature.
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