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Mormon Idiosyncrasies
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: snobrdnpntball-ga List Price: $3.00 |
08 Jun 2006 14:00 PDT
Expires: 08 Jul 2006 14:00 PDT Question ID: 736506 |
I'm looking for a list, maybe ten or fifteen things, that mormons (LDS) do that are considered "weird" or "pequiler" such as: drinking water instead of juice or wine during communion, practicing pologamy, etc. I'm just curious to see some of the things they do that are considered "weird" in modern society. Thank you! |
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Re: Mormon Idiosyncrasies
Answered By: boquinha-ga on 08 Jun 2006 16:31 PDT |
Hello snobrdnpntball-ga! Since I am personally familiar with this topic I thought I?d compile a list for you. I also spoke with some of my friends who are also personally familiar with this topic to help me come up with ideas for the list. There are a couple of things that I thought appropriate to state at the forefront. First, while the term ?Mormon? is frequently used, the actual name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The moniker is a reference to The Book of Mormon, which I mention in #10 on my list below. Referring to the Church as the LDS church is common as well. Also, it is a common misconception that the Church sanctions polygamy as a current practice. While the LDS church did at one time practice polygamy, it no longer does, and those who continue to practice polygamy are not members ?in good standing? with the Church (generally, they are excommunicated). Many of the idiosyncrasies to which you allude, and that I include on my list, are not necessarily direct results of the doctrine or teachings of the church, but rather they are characteristics of the ?culture? within the church membership. Here are a dozen ideas that my friends and I came up with for you. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Many Mormons use fake swear words like ?fetch? and ?flip? and ?what the heck.? 2. Mormons tend to have large families. 3. Many Mormons do not drink anything with caffeine, so Caffeine-free Coke is often a soda/pop of choice. 4. Most men (ages 19) and many women (ages 21) dedicate 2 years or 1.5 years respectively to being missionaries?not only do they not receive pay, they pay to do it! There is no dating or movies or schooling during that time. They also do not choose where in the world they go. Pretty remarkable, really. 5. Mormons are commanded to not drink alcohol, tea or coffee, smoke, or use recreational drugs. 6. Mormons are commanded to not have sex outside of the bonds of marriage. 7. Mormons pay 10% of their income to the church as a tithe. 8. Mormons who have been to the temple wear sacred undergarments as a symbol of covenants made there. 9. Mormons meet for 3 hours every Sunday (that?s a lot of meetings!). 10. Mormons believe in other scriptures in addition to the Bible, particularly The Book of Mormon. 11. Mormons address each other as ?Brother? and ?Sister.? 12. Mormons believe in a lay clergy and so they often have ?callings,? or responsibilities within the church. For example, they may teach Sunday School, direct the youth program, or perform other similar duties for which they are not paid. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I hope that you find this list to be useful. If you have any need of further clarification, please let me know how I can help. Sincerely, Boquinha-ga Search strategy: Personal knowledge |
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Re: Mormon Idiosyncrasies
From: mongolia-ga on 08 Jun 2006 17:41 PDT |
they are even weirder than i thought. Mongolia |
Re: Mormon Idiosyncrasies
From: myoarin-ga on 09 Jun 2006 03:20 PDT |
Not really, maybe just more serious about the tenets of their belief and sticking to some old-fashioned attitudes that many Christians have given up - and some upheld in other religions: Muslims aschew alcohol and have in the past worn undershirts covered with religious text as amulets to protect them (probably not the same purpose intended by those of the Mormons). |
Re: Mormon Idiosyncrasies
From: irlandes-ga on 09 Jun 2006 19:45 PDT |
Bouqinha, why not tell us how they perceive the next life for good Mormons. That will break the weird meter if anything will. (I visited Nauvoo some years ago on a college field trip, and a guide told us about this.) |
Re: Mormon Idiosyncrasies
From: pennynyc111-ga on 09 Jul 2006 16:57 PDT |
If you have patience - read this site. http://home.teleport.com/~packham/temples.htm |
Re: Mormon Idiosyncrasies
From: linuxconvert-ga on 11 Sep 2006 23:46 PDT |
As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, most answers about our religion can be found on mormon.org. As a heads up, #3 is incorrect, in our modern-day revelations from one of our Prophets (yes, just like in the Old Testament)we have been commanded not to smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, tea, coffee, chew tobacco, among other things. There is nothing regarding caffeine, it is just often thought that since both coffee and tea contain caffeine, we don't partake of anything containing caffiene. Yet this is false, as there is many a "good Mormon" that has the semi-frequent Pepsi or Diet Pepsi (caffeinated). and as for the after life question, we beleive that: "You lived with your Heavenly Father as one of His spirit children before you began your life on Earth. You were happy there, but God knew that you could not continue to progress unless you left Him for a time. So He presented His plan?the plan of salvation. It allowed you to come to Earth, where you would gain a physical body and would have experiences that would help you to learn and grow. The purpose of the plan is to help you become more like Him. Heavenly Father knew that while you were on Earth you would make mistakes?everyone does. So, as part of His plan, He provided a Savior, Jesus Christ, who would make it possible for sins to be forgiven, and for all people who accept His sacrifice to return to live with Heavenly Father. The fact that you are living on Earth means that you accepted Heavenly Father?s plan and came here wanting to do all you could to receive all He has to offer. The marvelous thing about Heavenly Father?s plan is that by following it, not only can you return to Him after you die?you can also find peace and happiness in this life. " (http://www.mormon.org/learn/0,8672,1294-1,00.html) feel free to contact me about any more questions. |
Re: Mormon Idiosyncrasies
From: boquinha-ga on 12 Sep 2006 10:15 PDT |
linuxconvert-ga, If you notice, in my answer I have not ever stated that the items on the list are doctrinal and in fact have explained specifically that the idiosyncrasies are *not* all doctrinal: "Many of the idiosyncrasies to which you allude, and that I include on my list, are not necessarily direct results of the doctrine or teachings of the church, but rather they are characteristics of the ?culture? within the church membership." While you are correct in your explanation of caffeine not being specifically prohibted, I maintain that "Many Mormons do not drink anything with caffeine, so Caffeine-free Coke is often a soda/pop of choice." It isn't doctrinal, but it is a cultural commonplace practice for many. Regards, Boquinha-ga |
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