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Seeking a quotation about war
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: myoarin-ga List Price: $10.00 |
09 Jun 2006 05:30 PDT
Expires: 09 Jul 2006 05:30 PDT Question ID: 736660 |
This is a shot in the dark; I don't know if the quotation exists, but I rather expect that someone somewhere has expressed a thought that has occurred to me, namely: When a generation of national leaders comes into power who no longer remember war firsthand, the risk increases that they will start one. The quotation sought could express this from any viewpoint: an aphorism of warning; an historian's remark about a specific event; a retiring politician's farewell address; etc. - from any era or part of the world - perhaps indirectly relative to an analysis of how a war has occurred that was not intended to become such. I don't need examples of the latter - just the appropriate quotation about the leaders. However, suggestions of such examples might help joggle someone else to recall a source for such a statement. It would be nice if the quotation predated the obvious examples of the last 20-30 years and was a pithy as possible. I haven't set a very high price, because I expect that an answer will result from a Researcher's personal knowledge rather than from extensive web searching. But if that brings the result, it will be honored, also if it follows a lead by a commenter. Comments are very welcome. Thank you and good luck. |
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Re: Seeking a quotation about war
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 09 Jun 2006 16:31 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Myoarin, Thanks for accepting my suggestion as your official answer! For the record, here's the quote, from George McGovern: "It has always seemed to me that the leaders who are the quickest to send our boys and our young to war are those who have never known war themselves." Democratic Veteran http://www.usndemvet.com/blog/archives/2004_02.html Sometimes I wish I could dazzle folks with my brilliant search strategies. But brilliance seldom has anything to do with it. After several hours of failed searches, I came across this quote with the use of a Google search string designed to find another quote, one that I thought was by Fidel Castro: Google Web Search: castro "those who have never * war ://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=castro+%22those+who+have+never+*+war The Castro quote that I was looking for this one: "Only those who have never experienced war truly crave it." Blue Lemur Forums http://forums.bluelemur.com/viewtopic.php?t=4516& After I had found the McGovern quote, I went back to the Blue Lemur Forums. Upon re-reading the post in which the "Castro" quote appeared, I discovered that the quote is actually the poster's sig file which appears at the bottom of all his posts, and the mention of Fidel Castro is apparently unrelated! I'm not sure whether this roundabout, mistake-driven search technique is of any use to others, but that's the way it happened. I began by looking for a quote that probably has no association with the person I thought said it, and while I was on that wild goose chase, another goose flew by! Best, Pink |
rated this answer:![]() Pink, Thank you for your persistance and success. Castro was also somewhat on target, but would not have been as appropriate a source, although there is no reason for his not expressing a similar sentiment. I am pleased that it was you who found the so loosely defined quotation I was just assuming someone important might have made. The tip is more than I had "budgeted" but very well deserved and also in appreciation for your always delightful and savvy postings. :) Thank you, Myo |
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Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: ponder852-ga on 09 Jun 2006 06:36 PDT |
Is this any help? "Those Who Forget History Are Doomed to Repeat It" See: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=495329 |
Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: myoarin-ga on 09 Jun 2006 07:08 PDT |
Ponder, Yes, that is certainly related, but I am hoping someone will find "the quotation" that is closer to my idea, that I have sometimes expressed differently from in the question: along the line: war is like measles; once you have survived it, you don't catch it again. Thanks, Myoarin |
Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: probonopublico-ga on 09 Jun 2006 08:59 PDT |
How's this ... When the Dogs of War are howling nobody hears the Doves of Peace. I made that up all by myself in June 2006. |
Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: thx1138-ga on 09 Jun 2006 10:05 PDT |
How about "To not know what war is, invites the danger of it" |
Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: myoarin-ga on 09 Jun 2006 13:44 PDT |
Very good, Bryan, but that doesn't emphasize my point about the younger generation's being more susceptible to "catching" war. Try again. Maybe I can quote you: "As the noted author Bryan of Hove once remarked: '....'." Thx1138 is definitely on the right path, and the quotation is very pithy, almost too much so. I am hoping someone said/wrote something so close to what I want that I don't have to explain my application of it (in a letter to the editors that should make some politicians pale :). Of course, the quotation does not have to orginally have been English. Thanks to you both. Myo |
Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: pinkfreud-ga on 09 Jun 2006 14:00 PDT |
How about this, from George McGovern? "It has always seemed to me that the leaders who are the quickest to send our boys and our young to war are those who have never known war themselves." http://www.usndemvet.com/blog/archives/2004_02.html Or this, from John Bomar? "For, most assuredly, those who have never smelled or tasted war rush quickest to its rotting banquet, and stay longest at the feast." http://www.worldproutassembly.org/archives/2006/03/ |
Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: myoarin-ga on 09 Jun 2006 15:48 PDT |
Wow, Pinkfreud, respect! John Bomar is a bit too dramatic, and not such a good source for my purpose, but George McGovern hit the nail on the head. Kinda nice to find that a nice guy thinks like I do. Please post an answer and reveal how you found the quotation. Regards, Myo Further suggestions are still welcome. |
Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: pinkfreud-ga on 09 Jun 2006 18:48 PDT |
Wow, Myoarin, thanks for the five stars, the kind words, and the eye-popping tip! I sure wish that searching for the wrong thing worked out this well every time! :-) ~Pink |
Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: myoarin-ga on 10 Jun 2006 16:50 PDT |
Pink, It's my pleasure, enjoy! Regards, Myo |
Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: frde-ga on 12 Jun 2006 02:00 PDT |
Not relevant, but amusing : Young bankers succeed older bankers, and repeat their mistakes |
Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: myoarin-ga on 12 Jun 2006 03:51 PDT |
Frde, In principle, quite relevant, and we've seen it over and over again, especially on lending to foreign countries. Bankers are herd animals. No doubt you know the old saw about how to get ahead in banking: make loans with a repayment period that goes beyond your next expected promotion date. Cheers, Myo |
Re: Seeking a quotation about war
From: frde-ga on 12 Jun 2006 04:55 PDT |
One thing I worked out for myself, then got confirmed by a senior banker - when a bank is hurting, it doesn't bleat I think that this extends to sensibly run economies - we heard little about the Ost absorbtion problems until Grosser Deutschland was well stable. |
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