How much fuel does GW Bush and company use on a typical round trip
from DC to the west coast? And how many airplanes, helicopters,
car/limos and personel go with him? |
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Jun 2006 19:43 PDT
The actual expenses are impossbile to track because they are because
they are divided among Pentagon, Treasury Department and other
budgets. The various vehicles and aircraft all use different fuels and
oils and many, but perhaps not all of them, are fueled at the
goverment rate, which is lower than the normal market value.
Would a modified answer work, such as the overall costs associated
with the typical trip or a trip to a specific place? If so, this may
be, as they say, "do-able".
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Jun 2006 19:58 PDT
In addition, the prices change regularly so consumption costs change
regularly. Furthermore, each trip requires a different number of
personnel and vehicles. Some even arrive in advance and some advance
teams scout the area and leave as much as a month before. So there's
no real way to pin down a number of vehicles and personnel either.
Request for Question Clarification by
09 Jun 2006 20:06 PDT
I managed to find some overall cost estimates for a recent trip from
Washington DC to Illinois if you are interested in that as an answer.
They do not include the number of vehicles and aircraft but these are
some fascinating figures that sort of make you go, "Hmmm?".
Clarification of Question by
09 Jun 2006 21:53 PDT
I am open to how you'all want to answer, I don't need the cost of the
trip, just how much fuel is wasted in gallons, how much fuel and time
is wasted would be nice to know. I read someplace that the average
trip by Bush uses Airfarce 1, a backup airplane, several C-130s to
haul the limos and helicopters plus additional airplanes for the
press etc.
Clarification of Question by
11 Jun 2006 23:18 PDT
All I need to know is the total average amount of fuel used in gallons
and the number and types of assets used.
ie: 50000 gallons of fuel, 2 747's 6 C-130"s 2 choppers, 15 cars and 40 personal.
Request for Question Clarification by
12 Jun 2006 08:00 PDT
Let me try to put this in perspective:
The actual ?Presidential motorcade? consists of only 5-6 vehicles.
These are usually a lead car, a local police car, two limos), then 1-2
large Secret Service utility vehicles. Following this is a large
Communications vehicle (which carries an enourmous amount of heavy
equipment), several minivans or occassionally even 1-2 Commercial
passenger buses which carry the President's staff and the media.
Flanking, preceding and following up are often as many as 12
motorcycles or outrider vehicles, usually supplied by the local
authorities and one or more ambulances.
Of the Presidential vehicles, the capabilities are classified.
Therefore we do not know the equipment they carry, the weight of the
vehicles, the engines they have onboard or the mileage they get. In
fact, we don't even know what type of fuel some of them use.
In 2004, before fuel prices went through the roof, one study also
estimated that Air Force One cost $35000 per hour to operate although
on some trips it went as high as $56000 an hour.
This article may give you an idea of the costs assosiated with such a movement:
The average 747 gets about five miles per gallon and in 2005 the
government rate for jet fuel was roughly $1.57 per gallon.
Please let me know if these answer your questions as well as possible
under the circumstances.