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Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: probonopublico-ga List Price: $5.00 |
11 Jun 2006 23:04 PDT
Expires: 11 Jul 2006 23:04 PDT Question ID: 737363 |
Most little boys are into all kinds of naughty things that their parents would disapprove of. I know I was. What sort of stuff did the little Boy Jesus get up to? Did he ever play 'Knock-a-Door and Runaway'? Skip classes? Stay out late? Indulge in under-age drinking? Skip Sunday School? Get into fights? Tie cans to dog's tails? Or was he just like every other little boy, terrorising the neighbourhood? |
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Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 14 Jun 2006 11:15 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Bryan, Thanks for asking me to answer this most intriguing question. Seriously, those of us who are committed Christians believe that Jesus Christ lived a life without sin. But we also believe that He was a real, genuine human being. How to reconcile those two beliefs? Well, a bit of mischieviousness that hurts no one isn't sinful. And I think it's entirely likely that the youth of Jesus contained some of the typical incidents and attitudes of childhood. All seriousness aside, here's a venture into deepest whimsy... The Virgin Mary rolls her eyes in exaggerated dismay. That kid is at it again. He's invited the whole neighborhood over for lunch, and there are scraps of loaves and fishes everywhere. Did young Jesus help with the cleanup? No indeed. He muttered something about the dogs eating the crumbs and went out boating with his friends, rebuking storms, walking on water, and catching more fishes. Ah, well. Mary loaves him anyway. :-) Best always, Pink |
rated this answer:![]() Oh My Pink What can I say? You just get better and better. Please get some titbits for your menagerie and make sure that they know that they're from me. All the Best Bryan |
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Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: nelson-ga on 11 Jun 2006 23:17 PDT |
He was quite a hellraiser. http://www.jesuswalk.com/lessons/2_39-52.htm |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: myoarin-ga on 12 Jun 2006 03:20 PDT |
No, he was a brave little mother's-son. Oh, once he beat up on cousin John, when the latter told him that one day he was going to dunk him in the Jordan - or maybe John threatened that after he'd been beaten up. But otherwise, he dutifully took his piano lessons and practiced without complaining; fed the chickens without chasing them and snatching feathers; didn't pull girls' pigtails or dip them in the inkwell on his desk in grade school (Remember, Kitty Jo?); nor did he play innocently erotic games whose symbolism was lost on pre-adolecents, such as Seven-Up. (If you want to know about that, I will be interested to see if anyone else knows what the game was. :) He was a goody-goody and like many first-born, precocious (see Nelson's link), preferring the company of adults - which helped to keep him out of trouble. |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: redhoss-ga on 12 Jun 2006 05:43 PDT |
You need to read "Lamb : The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal". It will answer all your questions. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0380813815/104-4241052-1208735?v=glance&n=283155 |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: timespacette-ga on 12 Jun 2006 11:20 PDT |
preceeding 'LAMB' (which is a wonderful read) . . . there was John Prine and his hit song 'Jesus, the Missing Years' http://lyrics.duble.com/lyrics/J/john-prine-lyrics/john-prine-jesus-the-missing-years-lyrics.htm *** |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: pinkfreud-ga on 12 Jun 2006 11:30 PDT |
The "infancy gospels," while rejected from the canon of scripture, make interesting reading. http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/infancythomas.html http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/infancyjames.html |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: pinkfreud-ga on 13 Jun 2006 12:33 PDT |
Somehow I can imagine the Virgin Mary hollering out the front door: "Jesus of Nazareth, get yourself in here right this minute! You know you're not supposed to be out there walking on water in your brand-new sandals." |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: thefuzz81-ga on 13 Jun 2006 14:54 PDT |
"And WHERE in the world did you get that wine!" |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: pinkfreud-ga on 13 Jun 2006 14:59 PDT |
"If you don't stop resurrecting that lamb, we won't have dinner tonight." |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: boquinha-ga on 13 Jun 2006 19:04 PDT |
LOL! I think that Pink's wit is one of my favorite things about Google Answers. :) |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: pugwashjw65-ga on 13 Jun 2006 19:58 PDT |
fOR ALL your sakes, I'm glad that Almighty God, his Father, does not hold grudges. When age 12, Jesus was a bit naughty in staying in the temple talking to and listening to the Synagogue elders. His parents did not know where he was, and when they found him, he said that they should have known he " was in the house of my Father". Joseph and Mary were glad to get him back and apparently he was not punished. The Bible does not say. But how many 12 year olds are considerate of their parents fears? |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: pinkfreud-ga on 13 Jun 2006 20:16 PDT |
Pugwash, It is my belief that Almighty God can distinguish playful jests from genuine blasphemy. I am quite certain that He has a sense of humor. After all, He made me. |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: boquinha-ga on 13 Jun 2006 20:18 PDT |
Hello pugwashjw65-ga, I mean this respectfully. I firmly believe that the Lord God Almighty has a GREAT sense of humor. I sometimes wonder if being "too serious" is something that causes him to sigh and shake his head. I believe he wants us to be happy. And I think he laughs, too. :) Sincerely, Boquinha-ga |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: nelson-ga on 13 Jun 2006 21:27 PDT |
Of course he holds grudges. He'll smite us on a whim. It's all over the Old Testament. |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: probonopublico-ga on 13 Jun 2006 22:09 PDT |
Lots of Comments but NO Answer! C'mon folks this IS called Google Answers, isn't it? Anyhow, I am now delighted to invite this Question's most prolific Commenter to do the necessary. So, Pinkfreud, if you can spare a few minutes away from your menagerie (How are they, by the way?) please go for it! Many thanks Bryan |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: pinkfreud-ga on 14 Jun 2006 11:56 PDT |
Bryan, I deeply appreciate the kind words, the five stars, and the generous tip. Regarding the menagerie, I have some sad news: in the space of a month's time, Shadow, Elvis Pussley, and Tuvix all died of cancer. I am still reeling from the recent loss. Each morning I wake up expecting to find these sweet old kitties on my pillow. Shadow http://www.mortalwombat.com/Special/Pets/Shadow.jpg Elvis Pussley http://mortalwombat.com/ElvisPussley/MixedBreed.jpg Tuvix http://www.mortalwombat.com/Special/Pets/Tuvix_in_sink.jpg If cats are permitted in heaven (and I think they are), these three will be yowling around the Pearly Gates when I arrive. And as soon as I get there, they'll be expecting some treats. ;-) ~Pink |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: probonopublico-ga on 14 Jun 2006 12:05 PDT |
Pink I was so sorry to hear your sad news. At least you have some lovely photos. Thank you for sharing these with me. All the Best Bryan |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: pugwashjw65-ga on 15 Jun 2006 04:43 PDT |
Dear Pink. And Boquina too. You are right. God is a 'happy' God and he wants us to be happy too. But He knows what makes us 'tick' and we really need his guidance. But Pink, your last comments about cats in heaven are very comforting but inaccurate where the Bible is concerned. Have a read of the following scriptures and then apply your comments to them. Ecclesiastes 3;19 and 9; 5,6. Revelation 7;4 & 14;1...1 Corinthians 6; 2,3....Revelation 20;6. They point to a very small number taken to heaven from earth and with a very special responsibility that places them above angels. ARE YOU REALLY THAT GOOD?. If everyone goes to heaven after they die, there does not seem much point in changing the system down here now in operation. Birth/live/die/birth/live/die....on and on. And now look at what Revelation 21;4 says. No more death or sickness. This can only apply to those living on the earth. What do you reckon? |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: nelson-ga on 15 Jun 2006 16:02 PDT |
And having a holier-than-thou attitude will get you into this heaven place you speak of? Shouldn't you be praying or feeding the homeless and clothing the hungry (pause while reader thinks about that one) rather wasting time surfing the web? |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: pugwashjw65-ga on 17 Jun 2006 05:51 PDT |
Nelson, knowing what the Bible says does not make one 'holier than thou'. As to looking after the poor, Jesus left us a good example, Mark 14; 3 And while he was at Beth´a·ny in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at the meal, a woman came with an alabaster case of perfumed oil, genuine nard, very expensive. Breaking open the alabaster case she began to pour it upon his head. 4 At this there were some expressing indignation among themselves: ?Why has this waste of the perfumed oil taken place? 5 For this perfumed oil could have been sold for upward of three hundred de·nar´i·i and been given to the poor!? And they were feeling great displeasure at her. 6 But Jesus said: ?Let her alone. Why do YOU try to make trouble for her? She did a fine deed toward me. 7 For YOU always have the poor with YOU, and whenever YOU want to YOU can always do them good, but me YOU do not have always. 8 She did what she could; she undertook beforehand to put perfumed oil on my body in view of the burial. 9 Truly I say to YOU, Wherever the good news is preached in all the world, what this woman did shall also be told as a remembrance of her.? FOR YOU ALWAYS HAVE THE POOR WITH YOU. The same story is told at John 12; 3-8. Jesus put more emphasis on teaching people the 'Good News' than relieving the suffering of the poor. That will be achieved in the new system [ Psalms 37;9-12] |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: amber00-ga on 17 Jun 2006 15:48 PDT |
The [apocryphal] Gospel of St thomas describes the young Jesus as making clay birds, then turning them into real ones. He also carries water in a sieve, lengthens a plank of wood which Joseph cut too short, and smites one of his playmates dead. That last one sounds naughty to me. |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: amber00-ga on 17 Jun 2006 15:50 PDT |
Here's a link to the Gospel of St thomas: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/thomas.html |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: amber00-ga on 17 Jun 2006 15:56 PDT |
Sorry, the last link was inaccurate.Here's the right one: http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/infancythomas-a-mrjames.html |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: probonopublico-ga on 18 Jun 2006 00:07 PDT |
Many thanks, amber00-ga ... Striking a playmate dead strikes me as just a little bit naughty. But maybe his playmate deserved it? I hope that pugwashjw65-ga will now dig deep and unearth THE FULL STORY. Bryan |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: pugwashjw65-ga on 20 Jun 2006 00:47 PDT |
Hi Bryan, There is no 'Book of Thomas' in the Bible. I just looked up the Catholic 1611 King James translation and it isn't even there. Obviously it is not part of the 'approved' canon. How much deeper can I dig? And considering that Jesus was so full of compassion, that he raised Lazarus, his friend, from death, it really 'goes against the grain' that he would even think of taking a life. Another example is when he was arrested and was being taken into custody. The apostle Peter tried to defend him with a sword and even cut off the ear of a servant of the Sanhedrin [ which Jesus healed]and Jesus rebuked Peter and said to him " [Matthew 26; 53 Or do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father to supply me at this moment more than twelve legions of angels? 54 In that case, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that it must take place this way?? Sorry, but Jesus killed no one. |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: probonopublico-ga on 20 Jun 2006 02:24 PDT |
Thank you, pugwashjw65-ga, for sorting this out. It was getting so that nobody knew what to believe. Who would have thought that a saint - Saint Thomas no less - would have made up such a story? I now wonder if he's still a saint? Can saintliness be removed if a saint ain't? |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: myoarin-ga on 20 Jun 2006 03:33 PDT |
Hmmm, well, since this is your question, Bryan, you can certainly expand it. :) Decanonization (?) is not foreseen. The processes for beatification and canonization are intended to be such a rigorous review of the person's life and actions that it isn't conceived that it would ever be necessary to reverse them. Also, many saints had less than saintly earlier years, Saul/Paul, for example, and Augustinus, and, of course, many early saints who only became Christians after a few years of non-Christian carrying on. Twenty to thirty years ago, the Church did something similar, however, for quite a list of "saints" for whom there was no historical record. Christopherus and Ursula are names that I remember. (I will try to remember to ask an Ursula whom I know how she felt about that.) |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: nelson-ga on 20 Jun 2006 03:40 PDT |
I doubt JWs accept Catholic determinations of sainthood. I don't know their views on the trinity, but if it is a part of JW doctrine, then Jesus has killed many, from Sodom and Gomorrah to the Great Flood to Egypt, etc. |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: pugwashjw65-ga on 21 Jun 2006 22:59 PDT |
Hi Nelson, You are making a statement om the false premise that Jesus is God himself. He is NOT. Jesus is God's son, and although he was in existence during those early times, It was his Father, Jehovah, who dished out the various punishments. Exodus 3;19 And I, even I, well know that the king of Egypt will not give YOU permission to go except by a strong hand. 20 And I shall have to stretch out my hand and strike Egypt with all my wonderful acts that I shall do in the midst of it; and after that he will send YOU out. STRONG HAND...STRIKE... These are PUNISHMENT words. And not only that, but Jehovah also promised the enslaved Hebrews that theyt would not go emptyhanded. Exodus 3;. 22 And each woman must ask from her neighbor and from the woman residing as an alien in her house articles of silver and articles of gold and mantles, and YOU must put them upon YOUR sons and YOUR daughters; and YOU must strip the Egyptians.? As to Sodom [ and Gomorrah] Everlasting Destruction. Sodom, however, persisted in a course in defiance of Jehovah, becoming known for such immoral practices as homosexuality. ?The cry of complaint about Sodom and Gomorrah,? Jehovah declared, ?yes, it is loud, and their sin, yes, it is very heavy.? God therefore sent his angels to destroy Sodom, with the assurance to Abraham that if ten righteous persons could be found in the place, the whole city would be spared.?Ge 18:16, 20-33. Jesus was not given an authority until he was SENT to earth [ for our benefit] by his Father, Jehovah. John 7;28 Therefore Jesus cried out as he was teaching in the temple and said: ?YOU both know me and know where I am from. Also, I have not come of my own initiative, but he that sent me is real, and YOU do not know him. |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: nelson-ga on 22 Jun 2006 03:32 PDT |
Do not accuse me of false statements, buddyboy. Did you miss the "if" in my sentence? |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: pugwashjw65-ga on 23 Jun 2006 02:56 PDT |
Please Nelson, Didn't want to sound as if I was accusing anything. I'm just stating what the Bible says. If you are unsure of any beliefs of J.W's, just go to www. watchtower.org the societies website, and check my answers against what the website says. It is all Bible based, and not from any individuals opinion. You DID say that you were unsure if the trinity was part of J.W. doctrine. I can assure you it is NOT. |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: romeohifi-ga on 17 Aug 2006 21:49 PDT |
People it is not right to make fun of God's prophet. I do understand that as humans we do wonder how did Jesus Christ (peace be upon him)spend his childhood. Well from all we know of all the prophets including the prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) whose childhood was recorded, life was very hard. He lost his dad before he was born and lost his mom when he was I think 6 or 7 years old and then lost his grandfather who was his care taker when he was still at his teens. If you read the life of the prophet Mohammad (pbuh) then you get and idea of the life of other prophets. It seems that God tests his prophets more than us. I am pretty sure that Jesus Christ (pbuh) didn't have it easy. By the way the Christians believe that Jesus's first mircle was that he changed water into wine. The Muslims believe that his first mircle was as a infant he spoke and defended his mother against the accusers. |
Re: Was the little Boy Jesus ever just a little bit Naughty
From: outongreystreet5-ga on 20 Sep 2006 12:38 PDT |
If you read the gnostic texts, which many many centuries ago when centralizing power the church decided not to include in the bible, they do in fact indicate that Jesus pushed a playmate from a roof as a child killing him, but then he used his power to bring him back to life, he also blinded a patron for criticizing his fathers work. Die hard christian finatics will dispute this to the end but those who believe that these texts are in fact the direct words of jesus passed on to those who would be able to understand in a time far from his own will believe it. To others it is simply true but carries no great indications that it is any secret knowledge nor that it differs in spirit from the teachings of christianity and simply acknowledges another part of jesus's life and carries more information. |
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