Hi cashbagg-ga,
Thanks for posting the additional files. I think I've found the source
of the problem.
Line 156 of sidebar.php includes the following code:
... if ( is_home() || is_page() ) ...
Because of this, the right-hand sidebar (<div id="sidebar2">) is only
displayed on the home page and on your "Info" pages. Try changing this
... if ( is_home() || is_page() || is_single() ) ...
I expect this will make the right-hand sidebar appear on single-post pages.
Regarding your additional question about the LINKS section: I use
Linux and cannot try it out using IE. However, here is the source of
your problem:
All WordPress links are held within a Link Category (such as
"Blogroll" or "Links"). You have used WordPress Admin to change the
Link Category name to blanks. But when WordPress generates the page,
it is generating an empty <H2> header tag to hold this blank link
category name, and it is indenting the links horizontally under where
the link category name would be.
You could probably fix the horizontal alignment by removing the <ul>
and </ul> tags on lines 95 and 99 of sidebar.php. If this still leaves
a vertical alignment problem due to the empty <H2> link category
heading, you will need to use another WordPress template tag instead
of get_links_list().
Try this: Put back the <ul> and </ul> tags on lines 95 and 99 of
sidebar.php (if you removed them earlier). Then change line 99 to
<?php wp_get_links(1); ?>
(I am assuming your links are under Link Category 1. Go to WordPress
Admin, Links, Link Categories and check that the ID is 1. If not, use
that ID instead of 1 in the above line of code.)
This should get rid of the spurious <H2> heading for the blank link
category, but some layout tweaking might still be needed. Let me know
how you are going...
Additional Links:
WordPress documentation for the wp_get_links() Template Tag:
WordPress documentation for the get_links_list() Template Tag:
http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/get_links_list |