Hobbies of the Rich/Wealthy/High Income earners
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: warrenth-ga List Price: $50.00 |
14 Jun 2006 10:43 PDT
Expires: 14 Jul 2006 10:43 PDT Question ID: 738113 |
I would like a list of hobbies by popularity among people with household incomes over say $100,000 a year. |
Re: Hobbies of the Rich/Wealthy/High Income earners
Answered By: belindalevez-ga on 20 Jun 2006 08:29 PDT |
<Hobbies of the rich/wealthy/high income earners. Any Athletic Activity 97% Fitness Walking 83% Swimming 54% Bicycling 53% Jogging/Running 48% Hiking 42% Golf 42% Downhill Skiing 20% Cultural/Spectator activities attended in the last year: Theatre performances 71% Museum 65% Music/concert performance 59% Sports event 58% Art auction/gallery exhibit 42% Live opera performance 22% Dance/ballet performance 22% Antique show 14% Source: 2005 affluent survey Economist reader survey Average personal income is $160,000. 49% or readers earn $100,000 to $249,999. Active sports person 87% Listening to music 79% Going to theatre/cinema 70% Fine foods/wine 61% Foreign travel for pleasure 58% Visiting art galleries/museums 57% Attending concerts/opera 46% Going to health club/gym 44% Photography 33% Mountaineering/climbing/hiking 33% Other 29% Skiing/snowboarding 28% Golf 22% Boating/sailing/windsurfing 18% Tennis or other racket sports 18% Art/antique collecting 14% Other water sports 14% Equestrian sports 2% Source: The Economist http://printmediakit.economist.com/Sport_leisure.589.0.html> <Search strategy:> <"affluent survey" leisure 2005> <://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLG,GGLG:2006-12,GGLG:en&q=%22affluent+survey%22+leisure+2005> <readers survey affluent> <://www.google.be/search?hl=nl&q=readers+survey+affluent&meta=> <readers survey affluent leisure> ://www.google.be/search?hl=nl&q=readers+survey+affluent+leisure&meta= <Hope this helps.> |
Re: Hobbies of the Rich/Wealthy/High Income earners
From: redfoxjumps-ga on 15 Jun 2006 01:55 PDT |
What do Doctors do on their day off? |
Re: Hobbies of the Rich/Wealthy/High Income earners
From: myoarin-ga on 15 Jun 2006 04:47 PDT |
Starting with $100,000/pa, one can't really get into sports and hobbies for the rich/wealthy: polo, yachting, serious collecting, etc. |
Re: Hobbies of the Rich/Wealthy/High Income earners
From: myoarin-ga on 20 Jun 2006 10:56 PDT |
That looks like the information, but I always wonder how accurate such surveys are. If you present people with a questionaire listing activities, there is a natural tendency to respond "correctly": listening to music and attending concerts/theater/ballet, fine food and wines, etc. |
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