I am looking for a consumer report/anaylsis on what the best options
are for purchasing a PDA with GPS, voice recongnition and microsoft
windows compatibility. I want to be able to track business mileage for
multiple businesses using voice recognition and the ability to
download a spreadsheet with all the business mileage for each entity
at the end of every week, month, quarter or year (whatever is needed).
I don't want to have to write anyting, but rather speak a few words
and have it logged for later talley and print out to hand to my tax
preparer. I want to be able to get into my car say the words "company
A... start trip" and after reaching the destination say "end trip...
log". Whatever the verbiage might be to accomplish tracking and
logging the following components necessary to properly track
auto-business mileage:
- Date
- Type of deductable activity (Name of Business, chaitable, rental
property, medical, qualified move, job search, etc...)
- Destination
- Purpose (business, charitable event, etc...)
- Odometer Readings (start, stop, sum of miles) |