Hi blinkerfish,
Thank you for your interesting question. No, spicy foods do not KILL
your taste buds, but they can suppress the appetite. As a person
ages, taste buds DO decrease, which is a part of the normal aging
Health Central.com
Will Spicy Food Kill My Taste Buds?
"Rob: Will eating spicy, hot food now burnout my taste buds when I'm older?
Dr. Dean: No, because it is the pain fibers on the tongue, not the
taste buds, that respond to spicy food. Why we like pain on our
tongues is anyone's guess."
Hungry but don't wanna be? Check out these super-duper
appetite-curbers from HG...
"Hot" foods that pack a lot of spice and heat can help in several
ways. First off, they tend to dull your taste buds a bit, which helps
you eat less. And they have a metabolism-boosting affect as well."
"Avoid serving too spicy and highly seasoned foods. These may destroy
the appetite for the more bland but highly nutritious foods"
AOL diet & fitness
"Hot Stuff: Spicy foods have a metabolism-boosting benefit and can
dull your taste buds so you're apt to eat less. Even foods that are
hot in temperature -- like tea and soup -- may diminish your appetite.
Just make sure your soup is tomato or broth-based (not cream!) and
your tea isn?t of the sugary variety..."
Diet Pills and Herbal Supplements Pro Review
"Capsaicin, the major pungent ingredient in cayenne peppers, is
thought to suppress appetite. A recent study has shown that a spicy
food meal containing capsaicin may reduce food intake by about 200
"Decrease in or loss of taste
Decrease in or loss of taste is common in older adults. It is part of
the normal aging process and may be caused by:
- A decrease in the number of taste buds.
- Changes in the way the nervous system processes the sensation of
taste. This may cause a decline in the awareness of taste.
- A decrease in the amount of saliva or an increase in the stickiness of saliva.
- Changes in the tongue, making it harder for flavors to reach the taste buds."
keyword search:
spicy foods suppress dull kill appetite aging taste buds
Best regards,
tlspiegel |