Are there spas or fat farms for people who are sociophobic
(i.e. shy, reclusive, and boring)?
If so, then I'd like contact information for at least 3 spas
with the following characteristics:
(1) good reputations for getting results,
(2) not too far from Tampa, Florida,
(3) cost less than $5,000 for a two-week stay,
(4) important: specifically designed for sociophobes.
(1) Lose 25-30 lbs.
(2) Acquire a daily exercise regimen and get in shape.
(3) Learn what nutrition is best for me, and how to prepare it.
I now realise that I'll never accomplish these goals on my own.
I need "hand-holding" and personal attention. Hence, a spa.
I also realise that it will take longer than two weeks at a spa
to accomplish my goals, but it should get me off to a good start. |